What’s the most valuable thing you’ve lost?

Took my young son fishing in a lake. Had cellphone in chest pocket of fishing shirt. He caught a fish and went I bent over to grab it the phone went to the bottom of the lake.

Worst part was we were several hours from home and my wife was worried sick by the time I got home. Crazy how much constant contact we are used too
I'm off the coast of NC in the winter fishing for Giant Blue fin tuna, I have two brand new Penn internationals 50W with new rods, they are hooked to outriggers, Anyway the safety line to my one rod is too long and the outrigger clip was too tight, when the tuna hit, the rod shot straight up out of the holder like a rocket for about 3 feet until the safety strap became taught and snapped! The last thing I saw was that brand new reel and rod flying about 30' in the air and into the deep blue. That was a $800 mistake! I just grabbed another rod and continued fishing like it never happened.
Stopped in pullout in AK cause my 7 yo kid needed to shit. Pulled out backpack from trunk to get TP. Leaned pack on side of car. Helped dig hole… closed trunk without noticing pack leaning on other side of car. Drove off and got out one hour later, realizing pack was not there. Hauled ass back, the pull out was well concealed so thought that we had a good chance for recovery. Pack was gone. Name was written on pack, had garmin that perp never turned on (cell number written on it), Maven B5s 16… bunch of camping gear. Cops said it wasn’t reported.

That one still hurts
Wife left a pair of Swarovski EL binoculars on a bench at Yellowstone. Needless to say when I asked her for them they were gone. Made her pay for the replacement.

Another time, bushwhacking through extremely heavy brush. It was past sunset and supposed to be a straight line 2/10 miles away to tall trees I could see shillouetted against the night sky that bordered the road.

By the time I got to the road after 2 hours struggle, I discovered the brush stripped my rifle off my pack.
Ok, I got this! I was thinking… look at breadcrumbs in GPS and just reverse the track, right?!
Well the track was like spaghetti, I got turned around so much by the brush.
Happily the next morning, i was able to follow the beatdown brush and find it.
Took my wedding ring off before my hunt and switched it for a rubber one that doesn’t make noise and I have no clue where I put my wedding ring. I have looked everywhere.

on another forum a guy was asking advice on a 'softer' wedding ring that would not mar fine guns. My comment was that I know too many guys who did that and their real wedding ring went AWOL... seems to happen more than one would expect.
I really haven't lost anything valuable i'm careful and probably a little lucky. A buddy I used to hunt with put his Beretta Silver snipe over/under on the roof of my topper while pheasant hunting in South Dakota about 20 years ago as we were sorting pheasants. We went to another field hen we got to the next field about 12 miles away we realized his gun was gone and what happened. We walked the ditches that entire distance looking for it and finally figured it fell on the road and got picked up. We let the county sheriff know that it had been lost and if it was turned in to let him know. Three years later the road grader operator while crowning the road dug it from the ditch and turned it into the sheriff. He got it back but it was worthless after 3 South Dakota winters. It really made a grown man cry and ruined the trip for him.
I’ve lost a couple small value items after I temporarily put them on the roof of a vehicle, fully intending on placing inside the rig before driving away. Felt like such a dummy each time, to the point where i made it a personal rule never to do it again. It’s such an easy mistake to make! Since, I’ve occasionally and knowingly gone against my own rule with items like water bottles, shoes, etc and started pulling away from my driveway, trailheads, or whatever when I realized my mistake before any harm done. Probably a good thing to just never do it…

I definitely feel for your buddy.
Garmin T5 collar...

Drove off after a very long day putting on a field trial with it on my dog box.

I didn't even run a dog. Just let someone borrow it.
It's amazing how much stuff gets lost right at the car, placed there right when we get back or right when we get focused on something else.
Yep. The same day I lost my Benchmade, earlier in the morning, when I got off the lake, I leaned my fishing pole against my the back of my truck. Pulled away and thankfully heard it fall down. I probably wood have lost two things in one day otherwise.
Sunglasses ……. so many …

Lost/Found… Benchande auto that I bought in 1994… Was going into Canada and forgot I had it on me so I hid it in my first aid kit. Totally forgot it in there and looked for 3 years for it…… then one day my daughter cut her hand and bingo I found my knife.
Not me but my wife. She went walking w me as I was rucking 40 pounds getting for a western hunt. About 1/2 way done, she said her hands were swelling and took off her engagement ring and wedding band. She put them in a zippered pocket on my pack. She and I forgot about them after returning home. Next day I found her in a panic, she told me she could not find her rings. Both of us forgot about my pack.

Several months went by, I returned from my hunt. Took her to dinner and then to the Jewler. Told her to pick out a new engagement and wedding band (6500.00).

Year later I was cleaning my pack and other stuff, opened a zippered pocket. And there were her original rings (4000.00).

Did not tell her, told the kids. Plan was to give it back to her at dinner.

Was a good night ....