What's the most fun a guy can have with $20,000

I have done a lot of hunts…. Some rifle and some archery.

For an archery hunt I would say Greenland musk ox/ caribou combo is legit. The ox will be straight forward and caribou a challenge. I recommend Karsten Lings!

South Africa is a shoot, which can be neat to see all the animals and amenities amazing. Free range Africa can be difficult for archery…. But a dangerous game hunt for wild buffalo, non trophy elephant, (leopard, lion, out of price range) would be intense.

Argentina has a lot of options but will be similar to the S Africa experience.

I have not done Asia (sheep pricey)/ibex but they would have to be rifle for any chance of success.

I have not done NZ but it’s on the list…. Once again they have a lot of High fence, seems like you can find free range.

Australia buffalo archery is also on the list I have not done yet. Gets good reviews for those that have gone.

North America stuff- I’m not too interested since I live in AK and can DIY most things. Personally I don’t like moose hunting, lots of nothing. Brown bear can be the same just trying to find an animal- I would go baited if I paid for it. Mt Goat is in the range but they just aren’t the same as sheep to me-

Now if you have $50k-$100k to spend there are some real neat options!!
I’d invest it for the next 5 years, add to the fund, and either do a guided moose hunt in Alaska with one of the top guides (probably a waiting list anyway) or a coastal brown bear hunt. If you stick the brown bear and he mauls you to death, you’ve had a pretty good run in your late 40’s.

Or you could stretch that into a couple DIY hunts in AK. The problem with a good guided hunt is that it will likely be over in a couple days, and that’s a lot to blow on a short adventure.
Having just got back from a OIL hunt opportunity S Africa, I'd recommend you hunt in an African country.

You can shoot multiple species, have a great time, and still have $ leftover for taxidermy.

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Having just got back from a OIL hunt opportunity S Africa, I'd recommend you hunt in an African country.

You can shoot multiple species, have a great time, and still have $ leftover for taxidermy.

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Whats OIL hunt?
I would get dropped off on Kodiak for two weeks in November to deer hunt, go on a great spring bear hunt in Canada, and a Mexico Coues deer hunt. Probably have enough leftover to do Kodiak and Canada bear again the next year.

Or I’d put a big dent in the Brown Bear hunt I need to do.
I see. What country? Worth it? Spot and stalk? Bait?
I hunted South Africa. Totally worth it. I did zero shots over water/bait, & shot 8 animals on a 12,000 acre hunting preserve. 5 were spot and stalk, and 3 were opportunistically shot from the landcruiser going to other locations in the property. My wife and I were the only 2 clients the whole week. We had access to another >30k acres if we wanted other species or different trophy sizes, etc.

This was my first 'guided' hunt. Thinking back and comparing, I don't know of a hunting opportunity globally where you can hunt as many quality species for that price range as found in Africa.

While hunting anywhere in South Africa is 'high fence,' every species except cape buffalo, giraffe, & ostrich can hop the property fences where we hunted.

Been wanting to write up my experience, but I've been slammed since I got home.

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I would get dropped off on Kodiak for two weeks in November to deer hunt, go on a great spring bear hunt in Canada, and a Mexico Coues deer hunt. Probably have enough leftover to do Kodiak and Canada bear again the next year.

Or I’d put a big dent in the Brown Bear hunt I need to do.
A hunt for a Kodiak brown was a dream of mine since high school. Never happened.
Besides, when I got the nerve to ask around, a Kodiak bear hunt started out a $25K! That was the guide and down payment. You still had to get to Kodiak!
Yikes! Nice dream, but not this po' boy!
In 2010, my turkey hunting buddy invited me to Kodiak for and offshore, deep sea charter!
Well! It wasn't a $25K bear hunt, but it WAS on Kodiak!
Had a blast!
So much so, I went back in 2012 and took the wife's brother* up in 2015! Had a blast! Made some other plans, but Bidenomics has sacked any dream of another trip.
Oh well! It was fun while it lasted!

* - proved to be his last hoorah! The Big C grabbed him in the summer of 2017.
Thanks for the reply. I never considered Europe or Greenland, I'll look into that a little more. My wife and I have often talked about a long family vaction in New Zealand. Bring the kids, rent an RV, and squeeze in a couple hunts for me. Although, based on my research 20k is probably not enough to do it "right".

For whatever reason, I've never really been that attracted to hunting Africa. Not 100% sure why, it just doesn't get me all that excited.

Further more, I'm not all that excited about any hunts that seem to "easy". But of course, I don't want to pay for anything either that's low odds.. There in lies my conundrum with pay to play hunts in general.

You seem pretty knowlegable about this subject. What do you know about Asia and/or Mongolia/
You are barely going to make a Mongolia ibex hunt on $20,000. With airfare, mandatory "tips" and trophy export.

You should be able to do Tajikistan for ibex easily, maybe twice. You could also do Ajerbaijan for Tur for the same money.

If you want to bowhunt, you could bowhunt all over Victoria and New South Wales on federal or state lands and travel in a camper for a month in July when the kids are out of school, the snakes are rare, and the weather is like an October day in the PNW. This would be for sambar deer. Could do the same thing in New Zealand.
20k Isnt what it used to be
I remember getting off the airplane and being pissed about a $35,000 2017 Seqouia with 60,000 miles on it out the door with New Mexico tax. That was the cheapest 4x4 full size family wagon I could find within 2000 miles. When I landed in Germany in October of 2023 I bought two cars both 2020's Toyota Sienna for $37,000 and a Subaru Ouback both with premium levels of spec for $33,000 both with less than 30,000 miles. I still feel raped.

$20,000 bought a 2014 Sienna with 140,000 miles on it.

I'll roll back to the states Summer 2016. I know I am going to be livid about the cost of whatever I end up buying.
Guys have quoted some costs for shipping back from Africa. I'll just say my friend payed nearly $7,000.00 to have his 8 animals processed and shipped to the states last week.
I was at our taxidermist the other day and he commented the total bill for the mounts was likely to be up to $20,000.00.
I'm sure Africa is a great adventure, just make sure the animals available are really what you want.
Since the question of what to do with your money is bothering you so much,
send it to me and I'll worry for you!

Elk, deer, antelope and black bear are pretty much the norm for us lucky Americans. I'd be thinking and looking outside the US and thinking of what you want to be remembering that you have done that.
I had a great time on a guided hunt in New Zealand. 25,000 acres of high fence didn't feel like a fenced operation. Lots of good ideas so far. Decide what you really want to do and make memories for your future.
Argentina, Water buffalo, boar , red stag, black buck,fallow and axis looks pretty good for a bowhunting trip. Not to mention wing shooting.fishing.