Whats the most dangerous animal you've come across?

Daniel Bybee

Apr 7, 2012
I've been around quite a few black bears and a few lions but nothing scared the hell out me more than a badger in southern .az and all I had was chill cactus to climb, he was mean
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
I've had several encounters with mountain lions but have yet to actually see one.

My most memorable encounter was the time a got hissed at. I was still hunting blacktails when I heard something behind me so I slowly turn in that direction. A minute or so later I again hear something behind. This happened a few time before I figured it out. With a lever gun and a tag I wasn't really scared as I walked right up to the source of the noise. I got hissed at from my six. Turned walked right to the sound a again got hissed at from my six. After the third time or so I slunk out of there with my tail between my legs. I never did see him but am pretty sure he escorted me back to the logging road.

I ran I to a bobcat once. Not sure who jumped higher me or that bobcat?

Snakes don't bother me a bit. I just step over or around them. I did see one swim out to a bikini clad teenager asleep on a air mattress. She was a pretty strong swimmer and excellent screamer :)

And then there are them damn grouse. Even over a point they still scare the crap out of me.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
.... nothing scared the hell out me more than a badger .... he was mean

Pound for pound probably the toughest critter i've seen. Its been many years now but back when we used to run dogs for hogs, a mama badger and 3 babies waddled across a fire road in front of us and the dogs went at her. For an animal that looked like it was having a hard time covering ground, that thing was lightning fast. The badger fended off 4 bad azz dogs that were tested vets on big nasty hogs. At one point, one of the pitbulls went in to grab her and she locked on to the gum above the pits front teeth. I've seen that dog beat on by hogs and never a whimper...the badger had that dog screaming like a baby. Mama was moving from dog to dog lashing out- it was crazy. Took us awhile to corral the dogs and I think they were as happy as we were when the badgers were gone.


Dec 10, 2013
There are a lot of snakes in Aus. They aren't usually a problem. Most of the time in the colder months you don't see them but these little beauties, Alpine Copper Heads, seems to be able to tolerate alpine conditions and can be found year round in the Victorian High Country. I nearly stood on this one.



Jon Boy

May 25, 2012
Paradise Valley, MT
Just saw my first cougar 20 minutes ago after spending my entire life in the woods! Feasting on an elk kill at 30 yards. Took offf before I could roll some footage. We're in some thick griz country right now so were hopin one doesn't come down on that kill. Probably going to head off the hill a while before dark tonite..


Mar 1, 2012
Lions generally don't scare me a bit. This one caught me off guard. While working on a GPS lion project, curiosity got the best of me and I inadvertently stuck my head in a hole while investigating a site where the cat was present 10 days previous. She came back... The hole is only about 6 feet deep. As my eyes were adjusting to the dark light in the cave, I was trying to figure out why anyone would put reflectors on the back wall of a cave in the middle of nowhere. My eyes adjusted, she hissed, I screamed, ran, then about fell over laughing. Went back to get a pic.


BTW - the Australian snake pic wins.


Mar 12, 2013
Astoria OR
People are scared stupid animals and the most unpredictable. I would rather be slathered in bacon grease in the middle of bear country than go to the mall


Dec 10, 2013
Check this site out...


Where I live and hunt we encounter Eastern Brown snakes reasonably regularly during the warmer months and I guess they are the worst because they are highly venomous and can be aggressive. I had two in the garden around the house this summer just gone. The biggest problem is if the dog gets bitten.

While there are a lot of deadly snakes actual deaths from them are rare. I only know a handful of people that have actually been bitten and none have died. It amuses me that snakes are rated according to deadliness as if there are different levels of death.

In reality if you have a bit of common sense you'll be pretty right. Gaiters are a good investment and you can get snake proof ones.

This is a red bellied black snake that I found while hunting last year - it was tucked up under a fresh rub tree. It was pissed off (note flat neck) but was too cold to move.



Aug 18, 2012
I've had several encounters with mountain lions but have yet to actually see one.

My most memorable encounter was the time a got hissed at. I was still hunting blacktails when I heard something behind me so I slowly turn in that direction. A minute or so later I again hear something behind. This happened a few time before I figured it out. With a lever gun and a tag I wasn't really scared as I walked right up to the source of the noise. I got hissed at from my six. Turned walked right to the sound a again got hissed at from my six. After the third time or so I slunk out of there with my tail between my legs. I never did see him but am pretty sure he escorted me back to the logging road. .

I dont get it


Aug 18, 2012
I have come across snakes too many times. Nothing freaks me out more. Ive almost stepped on a copperhead turkey hunting and seen several rattlers. In Africa I was walking through some 1 ft grass when a smallish (5 ft) python lifted its head out of it and I about lost it thinking it was a mamba.

Last year in Alaska coming out on one last stalk for a bear for my dad we ran into 2 seperate brown bears on the trail. The horses were not amused and each bear was not interested in leaving.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
bowshot blksnake_1.jpgOur guide in Australia got extremely ticked off at me and reamed me a new one for shooting this one with my bow instead of getting the heck away from it- the guy with me almost stepped on it. Thought I was back in 6th grade- "Do you know how dangerous those snakes are? You held it up for a photo, you do know we are 6 hours from a hospital, right?" Man he chewed my azz...but since he was right- grin...........I let it be.
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May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
I dont get it

Let me try this with a keyboard and not the silly phone :)

I was blacktail hunting in a thick rainforest. I heard something behind me and got ready to shoot a blacktail. After a few minutes whatever it was circled behind me. After this happened a few time I realized it was a mountain lion and not a deer. I had a perfect timber rifle and a mt lion tag so I got my gander up and told myself I was going to shoot the SOB so I made a beeline to where I had last heard him. He circled around me and hissed. I turned and again made a beeline to where I had last heard him just to get hissed at again from behind. This happened a few times before I slunk out of there.

Although this isn't the greatest picture this should give a decent idea of the terrain and how a mt lion can be within 10 or 20 feet without being seen.......



Aug 18, 2012
Wow thats unbelievable. I never thought one would hiss and then follow you after alerting you of its presence. Amazing looking country.

Let me try this with a keyboard and not the silly phone :)

I was blacktail hunting in a thick rainforest. I heard something behind me and got ready to shoot a blacktail. After a few minutes whatever it was circled behind me. After this happened a few time I realized it was a mountain lion and not a deer. I had a perfect timber rifle and a mt lion tag so I got my gander up and told myself I was going to shoot the SOB so I made a beeline to where I had last heard him. He circled around me and hissed. I turned and again made a beeline to where I had last heard him just to get hissed at again from behind. This happened a few times before I slunk out of there.

Although this isn't the greatest picture this should give a decent idea of the terrain and how a mt lion can be within 10 or 20 feet without being seen.......

View attachment 16065


Jun 2, 2013
I was severely bit in the face by a yellow lab when i was young kid. Dogs are significantly more dangerous to humans than bears, cougars, snakes or bigfoots

I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier....
Quick story:

I'm 5 years old playing in the back yard with two buddies who were brothers. Their back yard had a creek running through it and we used to go down and play and all that stuff. After school one day, we go down to the creek and discover this cute little dog who we though was hungry so we run and get our lunch boxes and figure we'll give the mutt some leftovers. Well, I had a chicken bone in my box and not knowing any better (and being 5) I gave the dog the chicken bone. He took it, made about 2 chomps, spit it out, and came after me. He bit my face a couple of times and one of my friends was able to get him off of me. His teeth had sunk into my eye socket and pretty much ripped out my right eye ball. I was able to cup my hand and keep it all intact but I was loosing a pretty decent amount of blood and I was obviously very scared. Anyways, ended up spending 2 months in the hospital and they doc's did all sorts of stuff to save my eye, which I'm happy to say, they were successful at. I have 20/10 vision and other than a few scars, I was no worse for the wear. Here's a pic of eye and you can tell that there is some skin missing and a bit more meat is visible than should be.


and what kind of mutt was it you might ask??? Even though, I was only 5, I'm sad to say that this littler fella got the better of me!

spaniel pic.jpg

Jun 5, 2013
Carbondale CO
Bald Face Hornets!...the huge black and white kind. they make paper nests the size of a basketball.
in thick brush once ,i moved a branch with a Death Star full of bald face hornets in it. they were on me in a second,the stings felt like being shot with a pellet gun, and they followed me a LONG way. had i been allergic,i would be dead. as it was only got 5 stings and was drowsy for hours.
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Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
JoshTX; our family had a little cocker spaniel that I swear was the devil incarnate. Swear that dog had a 6 6 5.5 on the back of its head.
That thing hated men, and bit more than its share of people. Can't say I miss him at all.


Jun 2, 2013
JoshTX; our family had a little cocker spaniel that I swear was the devil incarnate. Swear that dog had a 6 6 5.5 on the back of its head.
That thing hated men, and bit more than its share of people. Can't say I miss him at all.

Yessir I'm not a fan. The dog that bit me had bit a 3 yr old girl 2 weeks previous to my incident so my dad made sure the dog was put down. The owner didn't put up too much of a fight as he understood the gravity of the situation. They don't come off as anything but cute little doggies but damn they are temperamental and totally unpredictable.