In general, yes. But KUIU sizing is different than what a lot of people are used too. I'm a L in nearly everything and KUIU L fits me. But some pieces (jackets I've noticed mostly) are less roomy than anything else L I buy. I'm starting to think all my other L clothing looks baggy, lol. And like another post said, they have the possibility of being inconsistent. I have two pair of 36" Tiburon pants and one 36" Tiburon shorts. The shorts definitely fit more loosely. Not enough to change the size but noticeable. No matter how many people you talk to, you won't know until you actually try them on. People are subjective when determining fit (and function) and one person doesn't describe it the same as another. It's one reason I've outfitted myself in KUIU, I've figured out the sizing for me and the sizing works.