What's More Important to you?

  • Thread starter Thread starter david long
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Simple Question: What's More Important to You When it Comes to a Muley's Rack?

  • Height

    Votes: 19 26.4%
  • Width

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • Mass

    Votes: 41 56.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
David, yes, I base my choice on rarity. I seem to find bucks with good mass and height about every year, but bucks over 30", not very often. To me, nothing looks bigger than a buck that is wide. Now he can't be spindly, or 12" tall, but if he's average height and mass, but is wide, he looks big!
Matt - good choice!

Robby - you are flying solo right now!

Bobby M. & Gray Ghost - You are greedy! hehe, but I like your thinking!
I have to honestly say that I will take a buck with STUD fronts any day though!!!! I say a buck in the high country twice in 11 days this year that had 13" deep fronts!!! His backs were OK...12" G2s 9-10" G3s (matching on each side) and MAYBE 25" wide if he was lucky but I wanted to put one through him. Just didn't see him with enough consistency to get anything working on him. I am hoping to get on him again this season though!!!
While we are all on here, that desertstalker guy Bobby M. is one hell of a mule deer hunter with a great number of archery mule deer to his credit. I ran into him in the Wyoming backcountry a few years ago and he is as hardcore as they get!
I am a mass guy! I hunted with a family this last year that put it into perspective for me though. We were looking at a big buck and the boy said how much will he score? The dad said how wide is he? The grandpa said how much will he weigh? Its funny how perspectives change over the years.
I personaly am a huge sucker for extra points. Kickers, cheaters,inlines thats what gets my blood pumping.
Here's the one that is closest to meeting my standards... Thus far! I'm looking to try and get even closer this season!

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Width, Mass, Height. But then again I'm not a guy whose track of mind while hunting is 30 30 30.
Good to be on the new forum!