What Wind Checker

Larry, that's an excellent tip!

Combining a wind detector for your location (like this frayed dental floss or a small piece of down on a dental floss) with a puff bottle to show you the path your scent is taking over a longer distance is an excellent way to get a full picture of what the wind is doing in your hunting area.
I use a small diameter price of copper wire attached to my stabilizer with a tuft of Down attached to the unsecured portion and cornstarch in a bottle when bow hunting. I mainly use cornstarch I a bottle to determine the wind near me and the direct of the shimmer/mirage through my scope at long distances when hunting with a rifle.
I put a piece of the woven dental floss on my bow stabilizer. It works well.

As far as the bottles. I refill my bottles with micro balloons. That's the lightest and best! I get a big bottle at hobby stores and refil and it last me many seasons. Much lighter than corn starch and talc powder. Those are heavy and clump

This is what I do, it doesn't absorb moisture!!! Amazon is a good source!
I put a piece of the woven dental floss on my bow stabilizer. It works well.

As far as the bottles. I refill my bottles with micro balloons. That's the lightest and best! I get a big bottle at hobby stores and refil and it last me many seasons. Much lighter than corn starch and talc powder. Those are heavy and clump

Are you talking about the shit you add to resin to make putty? If so you probably shouldn't be blowing that all over the place..

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Why? Its sodium silicate. I'm having a hard time picturing what the concern is.

I don't think it's quite that simple, either way I'd prefer to not constantly
Blow stuff in the air that I don't want in my eyes, or breath in. YMMV

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I don't think it's quite that simple, either way I'd prefer to not constantly
Blow stuff in the air that I don't want in my eyes, or breath in. YMMV

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I don't want to breath talc or have it in my eyes either...

Mircoballons "glass spheres" can irritate your skin though so that's an additional consideration. Keep in mind there are different types of fillers to bulk out resins. Phenolics, calcium silica, etc. But if they are talking about what is normally called "microballoons" its the white airy glass spheres.
That stuff certainly isn't good to breath, it causes cancer in california for sure.. hopefully my hunting partner survives all the times i unwittingly sprayed that shit in his face.
That stuff certainly isn't good to breath, it causes cancer in california for sure.. hopefully my hunting partner survives all the times i unwittingly sprayed that shit in his face.

Talc also isn't good to breath. ;) Not the expert but I don't believe either represents a notably higher risk than the other in terms of lungs/eyes.
Are you talking about the shit you add to resin to make putty? If so you probably shouldn't be blowing that all over the place..

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You are correct - the smoke in a bottle actually has a warning to not use it in a confined space - I'm not certain but it seems to be micro balloons. I am always conscious to ensure that I do not breathe it in. The finer the particle the more problematic it is for the respiratory system. Generally speaking any particulate matter of less than 2.5 microns can lodge in your lungs permanently and cause health issues. A quick google suggests Microballoons can be less than this size. Of course if you are smoker you are getting more than your daily dose :)