What trail camera has the best subscription service?

I’ve not got extensive experience, but stealth cam has to be among the worst. I have daily problems with mine.
I hate subscriptions. Spypoint for me. I get 100 free photos a month per camera. 8 cameras so 800 photos free. I wouldn’t know what the heck to do with 20,000 photos a month. I don’t really put cameras over bait or feeding areas, just trails mostly so I typically don’t hit my limit. I probably miss some deer by limiting photo repeat times but I’m ok with it to not have to pay anything. I’m also a terrible hunter so maybe I’m doing it wrong.
Are you saying you can still get cell access for 100 photos without a cellular plan on some cams? I'm cheap and also hate subscriptions, so that would probably nudge me into trying a couple.
Are you saying you can still get cell access for 100 photos without a cellular plan on some cams? I'm cheap and also hate subscriptions, so that would probably nudge me into trying a couple.
Yes. Spy point cameras give you 100 free photos per month per camera
look at ridgetec i really like the platform for viewing and the cameras are almost bullet proof!
i run 12 of them on a ranch in mexico we whitetail hunt on and get great pictures
I’ll also toss in Tactacam. The plans are simple and the cameras are both good and cheap. I think Spartans are supposed to be top tier but the cameras cost a pretty penny
I have two spypoint micro LTE's and an older Moultrie (XV-7000i). As pointed out, 100 photos free on the spypoints...One of my cameras is hung in a spot where that works, and I pay $10/mo/1000 pics for the other one. The Moultrie is also $10/mo for 1000.

The Moultrie, though old and fairly bulky, has an excellent antennae & I can put it places that I cannot put the spypoint. Battery life is great on the Spypoints and poor on the Moultrie, though that may be exacerbated by the marginal locations I tend to put it.

Finally, the spypints have been finnicky and most years one or more have needed a firmware update or even just a reboot (a pain when it is located a 6 hour roundtrip from me) to get them working again.
I‘ll throw Cudde back out there. In some cases their mesh system is really hard to beat. You can get cell signal to one cam in an area then link other cams down into spots with no cell signal. I think you can run up to 22 linked cams off of a single cell cam. Only pay one sub fee. I wrote off cuddeback years ago because the cameras were inferior to most others in my opinion, but their mesh/cell system is dang good. I currently run about 15 of these cams year around.
I’ve used tactacam for 4 years. I honestly loved them until I had problems….

I had an XPro just stop turning on. I was instructed to update firmware, updating firmware bricked the camera so I had to send it in which I was charged for because I didn’t have the paper receipt for proof of purchase to get the 1 year warranty. Fast forward, I’m eventually told the camera can’t be repaired so I can either pay a “discounted” price for a new one or let them send it back so I just said screw it and paid it.

Fast forward and a few weeks later one of my Gen 1s just stops sending pics. Camera works, saves to sd, yada yada. I had the right SD and tried upgrading firmware but nothing would stick so here I am again, being charged to send it back in and let them reflashed a camera that failed by no fault of my own.

Then I read a story on Facebook or a girl shooting a deer with a crossgun and passing thru and hitting their camera. Tactacam sends them a new one free of charge…. So if I go shoot my camera I can get a new one?

I’m usually a patient and empathetic person. I would just assume avoid a scuffle. But this is getting under my skin. The lack of product support is laughable. I spend like $30 a month for this service and then they just charge your eyes out if anything goes wrong on the cameras.

Also just personal experience the new models of tactacam are junk. The interface of the pro is awful. It takes great pictures but they’re cheap as shit compared to the gen 1s that got tactacam on the map.

I’d look at Spartan. Tactacam was once great but I can’t honestly recommend them anymore. But hey I’d sell you all mine at the end of our whitetail season so I can switch to Spartan
I'd avoid browning cell cams for a number of reasons. Their plans are expensive and the app sucks. Not to mention we've had lots of issue with camera performance.

I echo this. My dad has 3 and they’re turds. Image quality is shit on the app (compared to tactacam). The app is hot garbage. They just stop working randomly. They’re expensive….
I run 14 tactacam and a half dozen ridgetec. Ridgetec blows them away. If I was to try another brand it would 100% be wiseeye.
I am running three Tactacam and am moderately happy with them. They do not stand up well in the Texas summer heat. I have had to replace two due to failure to turn on in three years. The service is good enough but I may look at trading brands after this deer season.
Bumping this as there are some sales on cams right now. If you're going to run multiple cams like say 5 or 6 which has the best/lowest cost plan?