What time do all you geezers get up in the morning?

It's a crapshoot for me. 13 years ago I started waking up at 0323 every morning.....like clockwork.....on a digital clock, for two weeks straight at that exact time. Never did figure that one out. It was really odd and frustrating. But these days it's anywhere between 0230 and once in a blue moon, maybe 0800. I do find that regardless what time I go to bed, I wake up almost exactly 5 hours later. Sometimes I can get back to sleep, sometimes not. Today I got up around 0430.
I am only a geezer in training, but I have had a similar experience. During the school year I would wake up at 2:00 every morning. The part that ruffles my feathers is getting back to sleep after that is a crap shoot. Wish there was a power button for the overactive mind.
When I was younger I could nap like crazy; haven't taken a nap probably in 20 years :)
I've never been a nap guy, even when I was little. I remember having to take those stupid nap mats to kindergarten every day on the bus. Then I'd get in trouble because the teacher always caught me running around the room or something after she'd come back from "her nap".....LOL.

I also can't sleep on a plane or in a vehicle. We did lots of overseas flights that always turned into 24+ hour trips with connections etc, and never could sleep.
I've never been a nap guy, even when I was little. I remember having to take those stupid nap mats to kindergarten every day on the bus. Then I'd get in trouble because the teacher always caught me running around the room or something after she'd come back from "her nap".....LOL.

I also can't sleep on a plane or in a vehicle. We did lots of overseas flights that always turned into 24+ hour trips with connections etc, and never could sleep.
Bingo, same way.

WRT to kindergarten, I was so bored during kindergarten nap time, that I decided to go play with the pigeon or dove or whatever it was in a bird cage in the classroom instead of napping and when its tail stuck through the cage bars I thought it would be brilliant to grab its pretty little tail feather...that didn't work out so well. But maybe I was just beginning to unleash the outdoorsman / hunter in me. LOL.
CPAP user here too. I'm 72, also had restless leg syndrome. I went to a sleep doctor, he put me on an iron supplement and had me set a strict sleep schedule. I set my alarm at 7:30 every morning, NO naps, then shut everything down at 11:00pm, read for a half hour or so. Sleep now comes quick and deep.
When did the restless leg start, just started happening to me last year, I'm 49.

What's the iron about?

I'm a 5:30 guy
it started when I was about 40 same time my Apnea started. My sleep doctor then, put me on Clonazepam which I stayed on untill last August when I started seeing a new sleep doctor so I could get a new machine. Not sure what the iron does but it worked,
4-5 am for me. No alarm for the last 10 years.
This morning was 3:45, yesterday too.
No CPAP machine for me.
I nap sometimes, and sometimes I don’t, but I do love a good nap when it is needed!
Been retired six years now…
Sleep apnea is super common, many have it and don’t realize it. Doc says it often results in atrial fibrillation, “aphib”, irregular heart rhythm. Cpap machines are something to get used to but can lengthen your life.
6am and don't need an alarm either. Well actually I have a fury feline that sits on my chest every morning about 5:45. I get up at 6am. I'm usually in bed by 9:30 and out by 10:00 at the latest. I use a CPAP also and definitely sleep better with it. Since I've been using it I definitely don't get tired during the day.
At first light. My hunting dogs normally have to go the bathroom and then want breakfast, so pretty early most days.
i am up a 3 AM every morning for work, took a little while to get used to but now it feels normal
4-5 am for me. No alarm for the last 10 years.
This morning was 3:45, yesterday too.
No CPAP machine for me.
I nap sometimes, and sometimes I don’t, but I do love a good nap when it is needed!
Been retired six years now…
I've been retired for 5 years and no alarm either.
Typically I wake up at 4am but since we are at summer solstice,
I've been waking up at 3:30am ready to rock and roll.

I typically start my twice a week 10-mile hike at 4:30am which is before sunrise.
At that time the rooster pheasants are crowing like crazy.
On other days, I go for a long bike ride starting at 5:30am.
I usually take a nap when it is hot around 1pm and typically sleep for about
6 hours at night.
63 years old here, retired for about 4.5 years. When I was working (large consulting or contracting firms) I would typically go to bed about 1 AM, and get up about 7 AM.

Now, wife goes to bed about 9:45; I lay in bed with her and watch TV (she wears an eye mask). I go to sleep when I am tired, usually about 11. Wake up at 6 AM every day (alarm). No nap during the day except for very rare occasions.

I usually get a good 7 hours' sleep each night. I think when I was working I was wrapped a little too tight to get 7 good hours of sleep, I was always worrying about something or other.
Up around 5:30 am. In bed around 10. I hate if I have to pee, say around 3 am then can't get back to sleep. Always been an early riser. Been retired for 11 years and love every day. One thing I told myself when I retired. There would be know setting in front of the TV and I don't really miss it at all.
About 5:30 currently. The sun determines. I sleep more in winter less in summer. Sun is up I’m up.