What thumb release is everyone using for hunting?

Jan 18, 2025
Hey Peeps

Back into bow hunting after maybe five years away. Amazing how much has changed….and how much has stayed the same!

With that in mind, ive always liked the thumb release and interested to hear what brands and models people are liking

Also, I’ve noticed there is a movement toward using back-tension release aids? Be cool to hear the field experience first hand from those that have made the change
I use the Stan Onnex (no click - but don’t get me started on that stupidity).

I’ve used the UV Button and while it liked it, it wasn’t as comfortable in the hand has the Onnex. Functionally though, the UV Button is excellent. If it fits you well, you’ll like it very much.

Carter offers probably the widest selection of releases. I’d say an overwhelming selection. Their releases though are top notch once you narrow it down to what fits you best.

What drew me to the Onnex is, I’ve shot the Perfex for many years before and liked the choice of sizes and adjustability of the Stan releases. With an Onnex you get two different size thumb barrels and two different length thumb pegs; you get a 3 finger and 4 finger attachment too. So you can shoot the release as a 2, 3, or 4 finger right out of the package. No other release that I’m aware of offers that. You can do the same with the UV Button after you purchase their different thing barrels and finger attachments. So if the UV Button fits you best, you do have the ability to reconfigure the release.

Check around at your local shops- I’m sure someone has one of these two releases for you to try out. If not those two- there are bunches more.

Or check out the classifieds for archery stuff here and in Archery Talk and buy used. The Onnex and Button both maintain a good resale value so you can easily make your money back if you find out you don’t like it

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I just bought a used ultraview on AT. It was a good deal and used very little. The deals are out there you just have to be patient.
UV og brass hinge. Skip the button and go right into a hinge of your choice and use back tension. Keeps you true into your shot. Everyone scared they gonna punch themself if the face for some reason. Just commit to it and practice with it and you won’t have any issues. There is no mechanical moving parts for things to fail and it will keep you true into your shot. If your shot is off it’s because you didn’t execute properly.
Shoot a brass Carter total control. Have an aluminum total control I carry as backup or one of my just cuz thumbs from Carter if I’m in the windy prairie.

Carter is good, UV good, Stan good. Truball is good. Stay away from the cheap ones