What Spotting Scope (Budget)

Well, been testing the Hawke all day and so far its not doing well.
The focus knob is notchy and rough making it almost useless. I spent the day using the fine knob instead.
While the view at all distances is very bright, clarity after 200 yards drops off its not much use past 600 yards.
Side by side with my old Celestron, the Celestron still wins at long range.
Low light clarity is excellent, but since clarity falls off past 200, it doesnt do much good.
Build quality is average, but almost below average for this price range.
The Hawke does weigh as claimed, just shy of 32ozs, which is very good weight for a mid size spotter.
Part of me wants to keep it just because of its lightweight and compact.
But to spend $500 on a spotter thats poor at long distance, well whats the point.
I will fork it up and buy the Maven.
Based on the two Maven binos i have im certain i wont be disappointed.
I thought I would update as I received the Maven yesterday and have been testing it out.
As I thought, I was not disappointed by Maven. It is amazing for the price.
It is absolutely crystal clear. Not %100 edge to edge, but to %95 of it. And that %95 is again, amazing.
And it stays clear all the way to 45x, no loss at all.
Unlike my other spotters, I could clearly, and I mean clearly, make out individual cracks on chimneys bricks over a mile away.
Clarity great, depth great, crispness great, low light great, weight is great (claimed 40.4oz, I measured 39oz), build is great. Only thing I can knock it for is that edge to edge, not quite to the edge, but you wouldn't care its so minimal you don't notice unless looking for it.
It would be embarrassing to compare the Hawke or the Vanguard (or the Celestron).
I haven't used the Ares spotter so cant comment.
The next thing I could compare it to would be a Viper HD 85mm (friend has one we use at the range often). But that's an 85mm, this is just as clear at 65mm and i'm certain the Maven has better low light clarity.
Money well spent, no regrets
Ive ran an original vortex razor for going on 10 years, its served me well but will be upgrading to swarovski or meopta before next season
I must be the only person completely disappointed in the Maven. Ares G2 was far superior to my eyes although both of them got dark from 40-45.

That being said, the Viper HD doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned next to either of those two spotters.

I would have to also completely agree with the buy once, cry once mantra. All 3 of these are gone and I’m in the market for top tier.
Ive ran an original vortex razor for going on 10 years, its served me well but will be upgrading to swarovski or meopta before next season
I have the Meopta S2 with 20-70 eyepiece and it really is a brilliant optic, useable right up to 70x. If it can be bought on special it is exceptional value.
Big difference between a 65mm and 85mm. Adds some weight but if you picking apart stuff long way off the 85mm is worth the extra weight. As said before save longer and buy once. I have no experience with Mavon or Athlon.

Have owned a bunch of cheaper spotters in past. These days I won't own a spotter that doesn't have a 85mm. Its extra weight but makes up for it by letting be stationery and find game instead of tons of extra miles.

I currently have a straight spotter. Much prefer the angled spotters over straight.
All Kowa, Athlon, Konus, and Meopta Spotters are on sale through Sunday night. Please give us a call, 516-217-1000, to discuss what would be best for you
I would have to agree with the buy once cry once crowd. I made the costly mistake of buying cheaper glass and it has cost me big time. With your budget have you considered the tripod a good tripod and head could run you $500+USD. Save your money until you can get what you want. $$$$ make a huge difference when it come to magnification.
Good luck.
Athlon warranty and service was outstanding! I cracked a lens on new Ares ED this fall, sent it in to be repaired (my cost was shipping to), and they replaced it with a brand new Gen 2 shipped within 3 days of receipt with no questions asked.

Great value, great service and great warranty!
Sometimes I wonder if people even read what the OP is asking for, or if they just jump in to recommend whatever piece of kit they themselves have.

If low light performance is important and weight isn't a concern, then you should consider a larger objective spotter, 77mm or bigger. I have an 80mm but folks make them in 77, 80, 85, 88, and of course larger. I'd throw out any recommendation in this thread that isn't at least 77mm.
Doug is right. Picked up a Sirui tripod and head from him last spring. Best deal I could find.

Absolutely. I did the same with a sirui and VA5 and have been incredibly happy with it. Even sent a few friends who aren’t hunters their way for some binos. Phenomenal people and operation.

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