I currently have a 2002 F-350 Powerstroke. It's been a Money Pit. Only 144K on it. Just dries my vag out driving it everywhere. Foot has to stay up the ass....no balls. A pain to park. Just kinda Over It.
But these prices had me reconsidering on the drive in to work....to maybe just keep it and F the Tacoma price tags.
At almost 50yo....I just can't wrap my head around the new truck price tags. I am not a Dave Ramsey nerd, but my credit card has maybe $500 on it. Mortgage is very reasonable. Child Support ends next summer.
But I've never been a Truck Pimp. Never had a blinged out Newest and Bestest truck. I've build and priced diesel Colorados, F-150 EcoBoosts....even the plainest Janes are $45,000 to start. New Taco is the same. And I am not really certain a new Taco or Colorado is large enough for me and Sweets and a few dogs in the back.
You can't Sniff a new full sized rig with a gas engine for sub $50,000
So this thread....has done little to aid my direction. The truck I missed....the '98 with 106K was prolly the best bet going. The other that just popped up is a year older (97) with 185k on the Odo. Think I need a kick in the crotch for even considering it.