What kind of animal is this?

This has been quite the thread. Hope your Dad's alright. Bet that startled him when that damned thing jumped on him from the rafters. Sorry, but its a little difficult to not envision the one-armed man trying to shed a live kinkajous in attack mode. Look at it this way, he's got a great story to tell his amigos. And, I'm waiting to hear "the rest of the story..."
Just saw this thread this morning. Great read. How many people can say that they've been mauled by a kinkajou? I hope this isn't one of those stories that ends in a mystery. I need closure.
Ok. Sorry, I’ve been busy. lol. Been to dads twice now. Still nada as far as the critter goes. With that being said, I still enter the garage ducked and on full alert every single time. I would have fully expected that thing to come back. He had food, water, and shelter.

Talked to a neighbor. He said he hasn’t seen it but if he does will make sure the ole kinkajou gets acute lead toxicity. lol

In any case, the house is coming along. I should start a thread on that…. My goodness this has gotten to be extremely stressful.





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