What kind of animal is this?


Oct 25, 2012
Damn thing scared the crap out of me. It’s in my dad’s garage. I’m clueless as to what it is.

It’s seems to be somewhat friendly.





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It's a kinkajous. Unless he lives in Central/South America it's someone's escaped pet or a zoo animal. Probably explains the friendliness.

Just looked that up. No idea where in the crap he would have come from. My dad lives there n the country with very few neighbors. lol

Guess I’ll try to get it some water. I kinda feel bad for the little guy. No idea what he’s eating and living on. It’s pretty dry around here.

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Update: he isn’t that dang friendly. I was giving him water in a cut off Gatorade bottle and he took a swipe at me when I tried to touch his head with my finger.

Little dude may have to figure out survival on his own if he keeps this up!

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He is kind of a cute little bastard.

I vote you try and scratch between his ears. Make sure to report back on your level of success.

You missed the part where I said he made a swipe at me when I did try that. lol

We will be friends from a distance. For now.

He sure was thirsty though.

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Now that's not something I'd ever expect to see in a garage!

Exactly my thoughts when he stuck his head out. My younger brother wants to keep him. But he’s had all kinds of pets. Rabbit, parrot, and even a squirrel he rescued flown it didn’t even have its eyes open.

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