What is your favorite arrow rest?

Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK
I need to buy a new (or used) arrow rest for a new Hoyt Axius Ultra. The Hoyt/QAD integrated rest looks nice, but it is very pricey. That isn’t a big deal to me as long as it’s worth what I’m paying for it. I’ve also looked at the Hamskea Hybrid Hunter. I’m just getting back into archery after a many years long break. I just wanted to see what others preferred for a good quality/reliable rest. I don’t mind paying $$$$ as long as worth it.
Take a look at the Vaportrail Limb Driver Pro-v. I switched to those about 5 years ago and really like them.

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I’ll second the Limb Driver. Not that other drop always fail a lot, but they can. Love my ripcord code red, but I forgot to lube it up one off season and had it fail to drop few times while practicing. As long as the cord doesn’t break, I don’t think it’s possible for the Limb Driver to fail. Also, if the string does ever break, there are a million different ways to fix it and it won’t mess with the timing of the drop.
I just saw the Trophy taker smack down pro, on sale on camofire, Cheap. I run a Qad rest, on two different bows, love them, bought them used for cheap. My wife has the new Hamski hybrid hunter pro and was mentioning today, how much she liked it over the smack down.
I've tried a lot of rests including the original Hamskea and the Limbdriver Pro-V, and for me with the way I hunt and my OCD, the QAD HDX has been the best by far. Five years of perfection. But beware........apparently it's really difficult for a lot of people to get it set up right.
I’ve tried most if not all the limb driven rests on the market and have found the AAE Pro Drop works the best for what I need. Micro tune, lightweight, and reasonably priced.
I bought the QAD Integrated rest for my Mathews VXR and don’t regret it, seems to help keep the profile of the bow sleek and slim. Just my 2 pennies.

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Will put another in for the pro v for its as reliable as any other but I have found them (and the Smackdown close 2nd) the easiest to setup.
Golden Key 3D Golden Premier. I have a few of them left over from my old 3D days of the 90s. I've been thinking about trying a drop away, but every time I get one lined up in my mind,the bad reviews start flowing. Seem fraught with problems. A local pro shop recently took on Vaportrail. I should go have a look.
I've been running the Hamskea for about 4 years. It has performed absolutely flawlessly. Previously I ran Ripcords and Trophy Takers and had issues with both (broken springs, launchers). I've played with other rests when setting up bows for friends (QAD, several Ripcord models) and can't imagine running one of those instead, especially the Ripcord LOK.
Golden Key 3D Golden Premier. I have a few of them left over from my old 3D days of the 90s. I've been thinking about trying a drop away, but every time I get one lined up in my mind,the bad reviews start flowing.

I have three Golden Key Infinity arrow rests, and my QAD HDX is so much better than those.