What is a good out West starter hunt?

You can laugh if you want but they really will take you to the some of best country the west has to offer and kick your ass day in and day out.

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You win the prize - I was not kidding when I said chukar.

You are absolutely correct - good chukar country is beautiful and unforgiving. You can walk for miles with the good company of another hunter and dog if you can arrange it, and when you actually kill one, you will feel as though you earned it. You will also have some great food to boot.
I would apply for every doe antelope and deer tag you can find tojust get the first experience of deboning in the field, glassing, stalking. After you fill your tags go check out areas your interested in for the future
Spring bear hunts aren’t a bad option either. Idaho has otc tags that are relatively inexpensive. If you want to do a mule deer and/or elk hunt it could be a good way to learn the area. Couple threads on here about getting started in bear hunting.
I agree with Spoonbill. I moved out to Idaho from Ohio 18 years ago and the biggest hurdle initially was grasping just how big the country is. Even now on GE scouting, I will find an area to hunt, only to be surprised at how deep a canyon is or how steep a “hill side” is. A spring bear hunt in a “reduced” unit would be a great place to start. Not too much of a financial investment for a first time hunt out west.
I'm targeting Nebraska OTC firearms Mule deer this fall. Ample OTC tags and good opportunities at decent bucks from what I understand.
Some buddies and I are thinking the same thing but aren’t certain we will get to make it happen this year. Please share your experience if you get to do it
Elk/deer combo in Colorado with a cow tag or bull/cow tag thrown in. Look for a trespass hunt where the rancher knows where the animals are. Good luck.
My first was a Muley hunt in Wyoming. Got lucky and got one on the last day. That was two years ago and can’t wait to go again, so be prepared to be hooked for life

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