What does your pack weigh

53# with 5 days food, 1L water, bow, bino harness. The only thing I do NOT include are the clothes I am wearing in. My overall weight has come a long way, and there is still more to do. Ideally I would like to be down to ~40 pounds for 5 days. I will admit I pack probably more clothes than needed; and probably some odds/ends than needed. Some people call it packing your fears, I call it not wanting to get caught with my d#$k in my hands. Oh well, I'm too stupid and stubborn to part with some things, but smartening up on other areas
I didn’t get a weight with water in the pack or my bow strapped on, but I was at 44lbs last year minus those items.
62 lbs with everything I need for 7 days comfortably
54 lbs if I wanna be slightly hungry and less comfortable
I just weighed mine last night. 3 days of food for wife and i, no gun or ammo, big spotter with big tri pod (it's about 8 pounds combined) with no water was 38 pounds. I normally don't carry the spotter and tripod. So it's a wash with the gun/ammo, about 3 pounds less during archery.

Seems like I could do about 6 days with some water and be below 45 maybe even 42 with my bow.
~55 pounds. Skin out, 7 days food, weapon, 3 litres of water included.

When I buy a spotter next year, my weight will go up probably 5 pounds or so
My first western hunt four years ago my pack weight was embarrassing. I couldn’t have fit more gear in my bag. Have refined, cut, and upgraded over the years and am looking at roughly 40-45lbs not including my bow. That will be for a solo five day archery elk hunt. I don’t include my binoculars harness or clothing I wear in. Have a couple of last minute additions still in the mail so once they arrive will set the pack up and post official weight
You don't carry water to last 5 days! I don't include my bows weight. Seriously though, I can't see hunting an area more than 2-3 days, an elk will be dead by then!
