What does this brake rotor tell you?

Something is not square with the caliper, either bad reman caliper or mounting surface on the steering knuckle. Is the inner pad on the left? Sometimes the pads can get installed incorrectly and the wear indicator will bind on the caliper mount.
Something is not square with the caliper, either bad reman caliper or mounting surface on the steering knuckle. Is the inner pad on the left? Sometimes the pads can get installed incorrectly and the wear indicator will bind on the caliper mount.
Yeah. Left is inner. I reinstalled new ones, they were labeled inside and outside. Same issue. Caliper looks newer, wondering if it’s out of square?
Usually with binding slide pins one end of the pad will be worn, not the outer surface of both pads. The inner pad is making more contact due to that is where the force is initiated. It would be worth it to replace the pins, check how sloppy the caliper is off the vehicle.

Refreshing my mind after 12 years out of the business, BRTreedogs is on the right path. If the pins are worn the caliper will rock away from the pressure of the pistons and show the wear pattern in the outside pad. Pins may not fix your problem if the bore in caliper bracket where the pins ride is excessively worn, if they are rebuilt calipers.
Usually with binding slide pins one end of the pad will be worn, not the outer surface of both pads. The inner pad is making more contact due to that is where the force is initiated. It would be worth it to replace the pins, check how sloppy the caliper is off the vehicle.

Refreshing my mind after 12 years out of the business, BRTreedogs is on the right path. If the pins are worn the caliper will rock away from the pressure of the pistons and show the wear pattern in the outside pad. Pins may not fix your problem if the bore in caliper bracket where the pins ride is excessively worn, if they are rebuilt calipers.
Ordered a new caliper. This is really starting to piss me off. Lol
The caliper is not squeezing squarely.
Could be any number of bent hub flange, debris between the hub and rotor.
Wheel bearing.
Sticky caliper.
Or usually in my experience it usually stuck caliper slide pins.
If you can get them out and wire wheel them and grease umm up.
If you find galling on any of the slide pins, any decent parts store should have a hardware kit and they're not that expensive. It usually gets a better result than trying to restore the rough ones.
If you find galling on any of the slide pins, any decent parts store should have a hardware kit and they're not that expensive. It usually gets a better result than trying to restore the rough ones.
I THINK the calipers are new. I can’t remember for sure, but I believe the pins were in new condition. I’m hoping the caliper is bad. I’ll know tomorrow!
New caliper and new pins did NOT fix the issue. FML

Tire has no wobble when lifted off the ground. Seems to spin freely but hard to tell…seems like it might catching the brake pad jut barely.

Is the next logical step to replace the wheel bearing?
Any indication that the vehicle has been in an accident? The steering knuckle may be bent. If the wheel bearing is bad and allowing lateral movement, the weight of the vehicle will cause the tire/wheel to tip in at the top, don't think you would get that type of wear.
That's got zero to do with your wheel bearing. If you've gotten a new caliper and bracket, take the caliper off and check the bracket/pad mount. Wire brush any corrosion off the mounting surfaces. I usually have to sand those to smooth them. The calipers themselves sometimes need massaging, the castings over the last few years have been absolute junk. Piston could be hanging in the bore also, might be worth checking. Use a good brake grease too on the slide surfaces.

The other thing that I can think of, and it'd be weird, but then again in this world that's kind of normal now - disc surfaces aren't parallel. Doesn't matter if it's new or not, I'd check it.

With a 2018 I'd also do a brake system flush and all new soft lines.
See if you can swap the caliper mounting brackets side to side. That would tell you if it’s the mounting bracket, which I would consider suspect.