Yeah. Left is inner. I reinstalled new ones, they were labeled inside and outside. Same issue. Caliper looks newer, wondering if it’s out of square?Something is not square with the caliper, either bad reman caliper or mounting surface on the steering knuckle. Is the inner pad on the left? Sometimes the pads can get installed incorrectly and the wear indicator will bind on the caliper mount.
Ordered a new caliper. This is really starting to piss me off. LolUsually with binding slide pins one end of the pad will be worn, not the outer surface of both pads. The inner pad is making more contact due to that is where the force is initiated. It would be worth it to replace the pins, check how sloppy the caliper is off the vehicle.
Refreshing my mind after 12 years out of the business, BRTreedogs is on the right path. If the pins are worn the caliper will rock away from the pressure of the pistons and show the wear pattern in the outside pad. Pins may not fix your problem if the bore in caliper bracket where the pins ride is excessively worn, if they are rebuilt calipers.