What do you use for racoon bait in traps

Feb 5, 2020
Just looking for recommendations I have had pretty good luck with marshmallows in the dukes dog proof traps. Heard cat food is really good also.
I'm a marshmallow guy. Cat food and tuna tends to attract more skunks than racoons around here. I'm in the camp of leaving skunks the eff alone, and they tend to do the same.
Dry cat food has worked and easy to clean out. I need to trap about 50 this winter again.
I mix corn and cat food and put a little of that in there (one or the other will work if you don't have both).
Then I have a squirt bottle with old fish grease or bacon grease I put a little on top. I will usually put a mini marshmallow or 2 on top if I feel like it but have caught a pile without it.
Small cheap cat or dog food with a squirt of liquid smoke. I put the liquid smoke in a pump spray bottle that shuts off at the nozzle. Buy a gallon on Amazon. Beats the mess and smell of other baits.
Literally any food item in a Duke dogproof. Dinner leftovers, canned chicken, dog food, marshmallows. It hasn’t mattered in my experience.