- Joined
- Jun 13, 2019
Yes,Always have a back up plan no matter how good plan A was.
The client will know if they are just going through the motions if plan A failed and you don’t properly regroup.
I was in Namibia a long time ago with a farmer that had just got his professional hunting license in his 50's.
He wasn't interested in trophies. He wanted to spend all day mending fences. I was on a package and it was a 10 day 10 animal hunt. I ended up shooting 24 animals because if not we spent all day being farmers.
Killed a lot of stuff, but we both would have had a better experience if he would have committed the time to hunting.
We moved camps 3 times from North of Windhoek to SE on the South African border and then on to another ranch near Botswana. Saw a lot of Namibia, but damn if we hated one another the entire hunt.
Was on a roe deer hunt in Germany, and had 10 people as a group hunt. But he didn't have 10 good stands in the fields. Only 3 were in the field. We all took turns sitting in the forest, and sitting in the fields. If you were in the fields you'd kill a buck. If you were in the forest you sat there with your thoughts watching animals you couldn't shoot. Because it had been a cold winter and the deer were keeping in the fields to fatten up. Saw fox, wildboars, hares, Eichelhäher all kinds of stuff, I couldn't shoot. It was stupid. It was also a package, with 3 bucks. You could kill as many wildboars as you wanted as long as you shot them in the fields. The outfitter thought that it wasn't sporting to kill boars in the forest, so you couldn't shoot them. Fox and wildboars were open season, and so were Eichelhäher (European Jays, Germans call them forest police).
Was on a hunt in 2020 with someone that was a "whale", he was working on a Weatherby award and had more money than King Solomon. Was trying to kill a free ranging aoudad and red sheep to count toward his Weatherby. You never want to share a camp with someone who isn't in your party and has all the money in the world.