This is not concierge which is still through insurance, you are just moving up the line. This model is undoughtly better medice. When you go to a traditional primary care visit, the nurse see you for a few minutes going throught the questionair and then the doc comes in and leaves as quickly as possible and writes the perscription. Why, because of insurance they are only paid a fraction of their billable time. Now, you sell drugs so that might be fine for you but that is part of the reason our country has horribly healthcare from the primary care side. This other model's goal is to get to the root casuse and go from there.Concierge medicine is growing quickly.
I like a PA for routine stuff but if I’m going to pay for concierge medicine I’m going to want an MD or DO. Significantly more training.
As far as training, apparently the Army thinks he has enough as they keep asking him to stay in the Army Reserves to be the medical provider for the Blackhawk and other pilots.