What did you sew today?

Wow, many of you are tuning out some really cool stuff. My old singer is too small for dealing with much more than 3 or 4 layers of 1000D cordura. I’d like to upgrade my machine. Any ideas on where to find a good used machine other than the typical, EBay, Craigslist, offer-up?
Dang, my wife has an Uber Pfaff that she wont let me use. I want to start learning how to sew heavy duty crap. I think this thing could sew sheet metal together. It's got a bottom mounted motor that I believe would power a small car.
Sewed up a hammock using the hammock kit from Ripstop by the Roll. 1.6oz HyperD custom trout print fabric and it feels great. Really really easy kit for anyone to get started sewing. I need to hang it up and try it next! Also made a little stuff sack with some scrap silpoly.


Not from today, but the new pack bag I made for this hunting season. Fits on a Kifaru frame. Been meaning to make a separate post with the full build on this but haven’t gotten around to it. Included a pic of my vintage treadle used for every stitch on the bag as well for anyone interested. Bag held up great to six days in the backcountry and six days of wall tent camp. Unfortunately no pack out use this season but held up great to plenty of pre-season weighted training.
It’s inspiring seeing all the great stuff others here are making. Here is a simple silnylon bino cover to work with a Rick Young-style shock cord bino harness that I made today. Still kind of messing around with this idea and not totally sold on it, but I am definitely over bulky feature-packed bino harnesses:
Rocky woods, rip stop by the roll, Seattle fabrics, sailrite. I get most of my stuff from Rockywoods but some of it depending on what I need from the other places.
Thanks for the reply. That’s great info. I just bought my daughter a singer patchwork plus machine, it’s not a heavy duty professional model, but I think it will work for us. Honestly, I hadn’t even thought of using it for hunting stuff, but I guess here’s another rabbit hole to venture down…
More sources for hardware, webbing, etc.

- Jontay.
- Camo Fabric Depot. Good variety of cordura, less costly than Rockywoods, at least in the colors I use. Great service.
- Gerald Schwartz. They're a manufacturer of hardware and webbing. Good prices. Minimum order quantity is 25 pieces, but more is better for them, especially if you order a variety of hardware types . You have to email their sales department with requests as they aren't set up for retail. I think Jontay retails some of their stuff.
Not hunting related, but I’ve been building some tool aprons for friends. These are for hanging inside a lineman’s bucket to hold tools. The small ones have magnets on the back to stick to a truck bin door. I stole that idea. It’s been quite a pain in the ass but they get better each one I do. Still trying to learn my machine. Lots of cool stuff on here guys!
I would buy once cry once and get a sail rite if you think you are going to do it all the time. If you want to go cheaper you could probably get away with the singer heavy duty and upgrade later. If you live in a larger city you might be able to find a sail rite used on Facebook and craigslist
+1 for the sailrite. I have a zigzag stitch one that I love. I used to have a big juki that weighed 200 pounds with a clutch motor, that I never enjoyed using. Nothing like the sailrite for what it can do and how small it is.