What did you get rid of from your pack after elk season?

Food. Brought entirely too much

See this is where I messed up..I consistently brought too little food and had to cut trips short/not pass anything during the trip. Buddy was so pissed my gas was terrible

For some reason I thought "Oh 1500cal/day will be fine" when really double that would be still pushing it

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Two matchbox trucks my grandson put in my pack so I would have something to play with while hunting.

I didn't find them until I was digging for my game bags last week. Wish I had known about them, they would have gotten some play time during archery season.


Not really the same, but reminded me of this story.

Three brothers and the new brother inlaw were going on a backpacking trip, and at the house before they left one of the brothers snuck a 20lb rock into the bro inlaws pack as they were being loaded for the trip. Mostly just a joke because he was a pretty tough in shape guy. They just wanted to hear him complain and then they would come clean, get a laugh out of it with the new bro in law.....figured this would happen in the first mile. He never said a word and was really dragging after 5 or so miles. AT this point they were scared to say anything because the joke had gone too far. Ended up packing it all the way to the first lake which is 12 miles with serious elevation gain for the last mile or so. After they got there, somebody snuck into his pack and removed it. It took them like 15 years to finally tell him this story.