What did you get for Christmas 2022?

For me, Christmas is the 29th, I'm getting a brand spanking new Cyberdyne Industries Chitanium full left knee replacement to match my right knee replacement. I can hardly wait.
Cyberdyne makes first class units, I’ve been saving up for one of their packing models.
A Wiggys -20 bag for truck camping, a new Mustang inflatable life vest and recharge pack, and an absolutely hysterically funny Christmas Eve with my kids.
Couple trail cams
First lite furnace top and bottom
several pairs of merino socks (point6)
Franchi affinity 3

All of which I bought myself. 😁
A rowing machine to add to our basement exercise room. Will go with our tread climber and peleton bike. I usually don’t tell my wife to get me anything for the outdoors or hunting. It’s usually the wrong thing unless I tell her directly so I just buy it when I want it.
full set up thermal underwear
3 pair of merino socks
2 strap on bow holders for treestands
2 boxes of 300 blackout
act fire hearing protection sound suppressors
a leupold rimfire scope
and money
22wmr ruger american in stainless
300wm tikka t3x light stainless
Kuiu Wind Pro
Attack Pants
Fiskars axe
Base layers
Some games and stuff

We’ve got a bunch of family on both sides so I end up getting way too much
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Like some of you, I have reached that point where I need or want very little. The pressure of having to buy a gift drives me nuts. I told my wife whatever she really wanted (within reason) I would buy for her anytime but xmas (when funds were available). I just got tired of finding my xmas gifts in the closet or garbage six months later.

Other than depleating inventory (socks, reloading supplies) I haven't found anything I really wanted or needed in years. I guess that is what old age is.
Other than depleating inventory (socks, reloading supplies) I haven't found anything I really wanted or needed in years. I guess that is what old age is.
My brother in law was talking about how he got Tupperware on sale for himself as a Christmas gift. He was so excited and talked about it for a couple minutes then was like “wow my favorite gift this year was Tupperware.” I responded with “Welcome to being an adult.”