Have to agree high 130's low 140's.. if I had to guess 3 1/2 year old buck.. he would get shot during archery. But rifle would get a pass. Unless it was last weekend and he was the best thing I had seen. Unfortunate I know my neighbors would shoot him..
125” or so. Narrow, not a ton of mass or tine length. He’s pretty as can be but he’s not close to his full potential. The difference from 3 to 4 is often the most dramatic. It’d be hard to pass him with a bow in hand, but I’d wager a lot of money that in another year you’d have about a 155” 10 point to chase.
I am right around low 140’s and i think being generous and giving several extra for mass that prob isnt there.
Sub 14 inch spread makes his beams around 18 inches, tines were shorter on the right and gave 34” left and 30” right. Mass i gave 15” both sides but i doubt he actually gets there based on the pic from last year.
score shouldn’t matter tho. If you like him, shoot him. If you dont like him, let him go another year or two. He was much smaller than would have tempted me last year and wouldn’t give me much of a threat to shoot this year, but to each their own. Do what makes you happy and that is all you gotta worry about.