What compels you to share your hunting spot/unit on Rokslide?

Forums are great for that, and you can meet some great people through them too. I had beers with another Rokslider Tuesday night and we talked specific units and all kinds of fun details about the upcoming season. I scouted an area with another member last summer (his area) and showed him one of my late season cow spots (where he tagged out). All was accomplished without posting units or spots.

I quoted your post because it was on the front page, same as the others. You started a thread last year regarding the current state of elk hunting and lamented the point creep, increased price of landowner tags, and overall 'pressure' on elk hunting. Yet you apply in every state (worsening point creep) and post hunting spots on forums (increasing pressure on the ground). It doesn't matter that it may not be a 'real' location to you, it is to someone. What did you gain by posting a town at all in your scenario thread? Would the outcome of the thread be different if you said NW CO?

And no, I don't hunt ** for elk.

I have no problem with sharing the info; I have a problem with posting it and leaving it online for all to see...Forever. A conversation via PM is private, and means that your info is actually going to be valid and not shared by the entire internet.

“The entire internet” lol. Wow.
The elk hunting world doesn't revolve around Rokslide.com, or other forums for that matter. There are a million different reasons why people are influenced by the location they actually hunt.
You can probably find some sort of post on every elk unit in the west by doing a search in the forum. Its all specific yet generalized information. Although there are stupid people on here, I don't think .5% see a single post about a specific unit and then blindly go there to hunt thus increasing the pressure. People are going to hunt where they want to hunt no matter what they read or dont read on here. I'd be curious if Rokslide has data on how much of the total elk hunting population frequents this forum for information. My guess is less than 20%.
The information I get on here is valuable. If I'm looking for specific information on a specific unit I will search it out using the search function and decipher the message how I want to. That unit specific information is also very valuable to me. I am one person but I am hunting elk every year no matter what and adding pressure to whatever unit I end up choosing even if I don't read or find unit specific information on this forum.
Seems kike some are breaking the no whining rule right now.

Yeah, no kidding.

I regularly talk units and states with a few members here- sometimes we get more specific.

I've helped other members and given out good info to other members here by PM. Guys I've seen their posts and think we are of like mind. I've had other members give me some good general info too....and with those guys I would share solid info if they ever needed it.

Now to the OP's point, I have seen areas screwed up because one idiot told everyone at his bowshot. One case in point, we walked pack horses into a spot 8 miles in CO OTC one year making a big loop and found a pocket of screaming bulls. We met one guy in there that my buddy happened to know the owner of the archery shop this guy shot at. The next year there were no less than 8 guys in there....all from the same shop...and it sucked due to the pressure.

I've had strangers PM me and ask for a spot, its as if they assume they are entitled to the info........ugh no, though I typically help with tactics.

Funny, I was at the Durango DOW office one year to get my conservation certificate squared away [yes- long ago] and sitting there listen to the F&G person direct caller after caller to one particular ridge in one NF. Every single TH to that area was jam packed. We drove into one spot for the heck of it to check hunter pressure and couldn't park a truck within 1/4 mile of the TH there were so many rigs!

Why F&G did that I dunno but be careful getting info from these folks....I seriously doubt you will get good specific info from them.
