What clothes should we buy before PFAS regulations?

No itā€™s not, but itā€™s a forever toxin that will give you cancer. I am a Firefighter and we are more exposed to pfas chemicals than the average person. The cancer rates amongst firefighters would agree that pfas is pretty bad for you and you should definitely try to mitigate how much exposure you have. This is coming from strong conservative who doesnā€™t vacc and what notā€¦
But how much exposure are you really getting from a boot or jacket? Prob more toxic and worrisome things in the stuff people are eating/drinking in the US.

Lead is bad for you but iā€™ve been using lead sinkers to fish my entire life, my old man before me. Neither of us have lead poisoning. That sorta thing.
This is interesting to me, I get the whole wanting to be ā€œsafeā€ honestly though. My rain coat and boots are least of my worries. There are about a million other items, things, food, water type of stuff I worry aboutā€¦ I think rain gear would be top of the list, followed by boots. Not sure if this will hit down or synthetic down much. But I tend to wear wool/ natural fibers close to the body but nothing stops wind/rain like goretex
Down is moving towards gold particulate treatment, so it shouldnā€™t be affected. Although the surface DWR coating will be.
Down is moving towards gold particulate treatment, so it shouldnā€™t be affected. Although the surface DWR coating will be.
Good to know, I mean I could care less about the surface coating of down if I have reliable waterproofing shellā€¦ but could get tricky here in the future I guess
Until they find out ePE ā€œcauses cancerā€.
Ya no kidding
But I don't think PFA is like an only labeled for the state of California thing, it's actually pretty nasty stuff. The Gulch Gear owner was trying to explain why he didn't use it on here years back.

It's a moot point if it works as good as the old stuff no one will care or know it's changed but if it sucks everyone will complain.

I did buy a pack-lite gore-tex rain jacket a few years back that wets out immediately and has always been bomb proof in the past, but there may even be different grades of pack-lite. Or maybe it was EPE
No itā€™s not, but itā€™s a forever toxin that will give you cancer. I am a Firefighter and we are more exposed to pfas chemicals than the average person. The cancer rates amongst firefighters would agree that pfas is pretty bad for you and you should definitely try to mitigate how much exposure you have. This is coming from strong conservative who doesnā€™t vacc and what notā€¦
You sure the smoke from all of the various items to burning isn't what is causing an uptick in firefighter cancer?
Cool, Iā€™d rather die of hypothermia from leaky rain gear than cancer anyway.

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It's interesting that you will probably sit in traffic and breathe in far more cancer causing carcinogens than what your boots will give you through your socks. Hell, unless you're running naked through the woods and the. Putting in your rain gear, you probably have some semblance of protection from that as well. But that's cool, keep making asinine comments about how your fears run your life.
Ya no kidding
But I don't think PFA is like an only labeled for the state of California thing, it's actually pretty nasty stuff. The Gulch Gear owner was trying to explain why he didn't use it on here years back.

It's a moot point if it works as good as the old stuff no one will care or know it's changed but if it sucks everyone will complain.

I did buy a pack-lite gore-tex rain jacket a few years back that wets out immediately and has always been bomb proof in the past, but there may even be different grades of pack-lite. Or maybe it was EPE
I get it man, i do. But it seems there is ALWAYS something new im supposed to be alarmed about. Like i wouldnt drink a gallon of PFA everyday but id definitely wear a pair of boots knowing my actual exposure is likely minimal and will probably have zero impact on my life.

Round Up was cancer causing too, some got cancer from it even MAYBE. But i know a landscape company owner whose used it for decades and he just retired at almost 70, no cancer. They reformulated the stuff now it doesnā€™t even kill weeds anymore despite having to use three times the amount. And what did they reformulate it with? And how long until we find out that causes cancer and it doesnā€™t even work.

Just seems around and around we go and i doubt these changes, alarmism, and govt bans have benefitted me as much as they would like us to believe. Prob benefits the ePE manufactures and the govt politicians whose palms are being greased to promote banning their competition. Yes, iā€™m a tinfoil hat skeptic with a lot of this stuff šŸ¤£ But in my defense the Govt doesnā€™t appear to be right or have my best interest in mind very often anymore. Profits for somebody somwhere seem to trump all.
You sure the smoke from all of the various items to burning isn't what is causing an uptick in firefighter cancer?

It's interesting that you will probably sit in traffic and breathe in far more cancer causing carcinogens than what your boots will give you through your socks. Hell, unless you're running naked through the woods and the. Putting in your rain gear, you probably have some semblance of protection from that as well. But that's cool, keep making asinine comments about how your fears run your life.

Twas a joke sir. I should probably see if I can still get a dry suit made out of the good stuff. My current one is still dry but also about 12 years old. Maybe freshen up my lighter rain gear as well.

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Without getting into the politics or environmental effects of PFAS chemicals, it appears that they are eventually going to be outlawed in the US. I'm not a material expert, so I'm trying to figure out what pieces I should add or stock up on prior.

What clothing technologies are going to be going away due to this?

I'm going to start researching and reaching out to companies and will add them to the lists below.

PFAS materials:
Visp (Enlightened Equipment)

non-PFAS materials:
Vertice (Zpacks)
eVent BIO
Has anyone answered your question? (Or too busy disagreeing about the causes of cancer?). What items have you been stocking up on?
Twas a joke sir. I should probably see if I can still get a dry suit made out of the good stuff. My current one is still dry but also about 12 years old. Maybe freshen up my lighter rain gear as well.

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We really need a sarcasm font.
Who cares. The sky is not falling. Its not the end of rain gear. Rarely does stocking up on obsolete products pay off.

Buy the next product that comes along. It will be newer technology than some design from the 60s.

If there is a hole created in the market place, plenty of companies will race to develop the next thing to capture that market. Its gonna be just fine when your jacket needs replaced in 5 or 10yrs.
Who cares. The sky is not falling. Its not the end of rain gear. Rarely does stocking up on obsolete products pay off.

Buy the next product that comes along. It will be newer technology than some design from the 60s.

If there is a hole created in the market place, plenty of companies will race to develop the next thing to capture that market. Its gonna be just fine when your jacket needs replaced in 5 or 10yrs.

I wouldnā€™t be so sure. Some things donā€™t get better with hyper regulation. Iā€™m not saying we should keep PFAS treatment on gear, but I know a whole lot of people whoā€™ve shitty experiences with new vehicles, especially diesels.

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Why would you want to hoard that stuff? Are you a fan of cancer?
Please post all the studies of them causing cancer in humans, and at what levels of absorption.

Iā€™ll SAVE you the time, itā€™s because the chemicals have a very long half life and take for ever to breakdown much more then any cancer risk.

You guys are crazy. On one hand, you'll complain how we need to use science and common sense to regulate guns and wild animal populations rather then follow emotion driven laws. Then on the other hand when science says a group of chemicals are linked to cancer/endocrine and hormone disrupting diseases. You cry a river.

Sorry, I'm not going to sit here and link a bunch of other sites for you. Even a basic search will bring them up.
Please post all the studies of them causing cancer in humans, and at what levels of absorption.
A lot of the howā€™s and whys arenā€™t fully known yet. Thereā€™s an ongoing study with the local university looking into it further. Itā€™s happening though, cancer rates in firefighters are not good. Are firefighters a ā€œcanary in the coal mineā€ warning for the rest of us?
You guys are crazy. On one hand, you'll complain how we need to use science and common sense to regulate guns and wild animal populations rather then follow emotion driven laws. Then on the other hand when science says a group of chemicals are linked to cancer/endocrine and hormone disrupting diseases. You cry a river.

Sorry, I'm not going to sit here and link a bunch of other sites for you. Even a basic search will bring them up.

Not crazy, just informed, Cali made the announcement in 2022. Itā€™s 2025. This isnā€™t a new development as people think. Any textile with DWR, stain resistant, no-iron etc had a PFAS.

Sky isnā€™t falling, just do your own research and you can see which PFAS and where there is actually liability
A lot of the howā€™s and whys arenā€™t fully known yet. Thereā€™s an ongoing study with the local university looking into it further. Itā€™s happening though, cancer rates in firefighters are not good. Are firefighters a ā€œcanary in the coal mineā€ warning for the rest of us?
My exact point, correlation isnā€™t causation. It has nothing to do with goretex or dwr. That study if you call it that, use correlation(extreme toxic carcinogenic gas consumption(from fires) and specific fire fighting chemicals to link causation of PFAS to cancers,

Show me a studies that a waterproof breathable laminate or DWR caused cancerā€¦.. you should have mountains of Data since 1978