What broadhead are you using?

Thunderhead 100's and grim reaper 100's. Thinking of moving up to 125 grain and inserts possible to mess around with some FOC
Radical Archery Ti-cons. Awesome broadheads and an awesome company here in WA.

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last year i ended up taking 125 grain killzones into the woods and they did the job. i've also got some magnus buzzcuts i need to try out.
Sick trick magnums
Gravedigger chisel tip hybrids

Gonna try out some D.R.T single bevels and muzzy trocar HB's for fun

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Ive shot the t3's the last couple seasons and they have worked awesome. Only problem is the blades come out of their clips when they brush anything. Gonna try Hypodermics or trokars next fall.
I've been using Grave Diggers with absolutely awesome results.

The guys at my archery shop recommended those. They look nasty, but I have no experience with them. I'm not sure how I feel about the curved blade. I would think the curve aids in penetration and deflecting around bone, but I would also think it weakens the blade strength compared to a straight blade. I've been toying around with going back to a fixed broadhead. Im not sure if I can leave mechanicals. I've never had one fail and and 2" wide entry and exit holes are just obscene.
Has anyone had issues with the newer killzones? My local archery shop says the new ferrules are not as good as the older models and have a higher failure rate.