I’m kicking around the idea of building a 6.5 PRC, but can’t decide on what action to use. Also, should I go SA or LA? Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Tikka or Remington is a good start if you want a more custom option defiance or bighorn is a good bet.I’m kicking around the idea of building a 6.5 PRC, but can’t decide on what action to use. Also, should I go SA or LA? Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thank you! What are your thoughts on this new ARC Coup De Graće?Tikka or Remington is a good start if you want a more custom option defiance or bighorn is a good bet.
I don't really have any yet I haven't seen it in action personally and I haven't researched it much. I have heard a few things and it all seems interesting and promising.Thank you! What are your thoughts on this new ARC Coup De Graće?
They are designed to use aiaw magazines, if that’s what you want, probably a good choice.Thank you! What are your thoughts on this new ARC Coup De Graće?
I haven't seen the Coup De Grace in person, but Ted is a mad scientist sort of engineer. I have run his Nucleus since the beginning, meaning I have a single digit serial number. I enjoy everything about it. I ran the Archimedes when first released, and it pretty cool, but I couldn't give up my first Nuke. If I were to build a new rifle, I'd probably give the CDG a try. I like the pivoting bolt handle and extraction of the Archimedes, and with the CDG you can choose between lever extraction or cam. ARC has always been good to me and I like the features he includes, like the control round feed, which hasn't needed tuning in most of the ones I have seen. The extractor is enormous compared to others. I also like mechanical ejection.Thank you! What are your thoughts on this new ARC Coup De Graće?
The prc is pretty long - really maxes out a short action, so I’m glad mine is in a long action. There are some feeding issues with the fat prc case if they are put together with factory belted mag magazines. I don’t know which magazines do or don’t feed. Wyatt makes PRC specific internal magazines and followers.I’m kicking around the idea of building a 6.5 PRC, but can’t decide on what action to use. Also, should I go SA or LA? Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated. Thanks!