What boot for flat feet?


Feb 28, 2012
I have tried a number or boots but am still looking for the "perfect" boot for my very flat feet. A lot of boot up there simply have too much arch support for my feet. I have tried a number of boots including Asolo's, Crispi's, Zamberlands and about every aftermarket insole to no avail. I am looking for an all around non-insulated mid height boot. Before I shell out a ton of money in ordering and possibly returning boot I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction. Price is really no issue as I need a good pair of boots that I can put 10-15 pain free miles on and I am willing to pay for them. I am interested in the Lowa Tibets, Kentrek Hardscrabbles, Hanwag Alaska GTXs or any other boot that would fit the bill. For reference if you have flat feet I currently have to wear the Brooks Beast or NB 1540 motion control shoe.

Thanks for any help or insight you can give me.

Have you tried the Lathrop insoles? They seem like they would work pretty well for flat feet. I won't be much help on the boots as I have pretty high arches.
I have pretty flat feet and been very happy with kenetreks (I own 3 pair). They run big so I usually tell folks to get an entire size smaller.

The sole insoles work well too because they mold to your feet without a bunch of pre-made arch support.
Boots are not going to make much of a difference.

You need INSOLES that fit you correctly. Id try some superfeet for flat feet, or else you can get them custom made for your feet.
i second a phone call to lathrop and sons, even if they dont recommend their insole....they might be able to point you in the right direction
Screw trying to find a good boot. What you need is an expensive pair of orthodics that are custom molded to your feet. Mine are really flat and I struggled with boots for years. Now I have a pair of orthodics and can take them out and put them in any boot...instantly comfortable.
+1 on getting a quality pair of orthodic inserts. It is the insert of boots and shoes in general that affect you, and not so much the footwear itself. They do make special footwear, but I think you would be better off with ortho inserts custom made to your feet and then you can put them in any footwear you like.
Thank you for all your great responses. I have tried the sole, super feet and just about every other type. I have the $350 custom orthotic ones and they are only ok. I did call Lathrop and Sons I plan on ordering boots and insoles if I can't find something else because they charge a 15% restocking plus return shipping which is a pretty high price pay for something not to fit.

Please continue with the get responses and thanks to those that have applied.

If the custom orthodic insoles are not comfortable, then you may want to see a pediatrist as there may be something else going on. Boots are only really made in normal or wide sizes and not for any other foot shape really. One thing to keep in mind is sometimes when switching to a proper insole for your foot, it can be very uncomfortable/painful for the first couple weeks while your foot "learns" the new insole. How long did you wear the insoles you mentioned?
If the custom orthodic insoles are not comfortable, then you may want to see a pediatrist as there may be something else going on. Boots are only really made in normal or wide sizes and not for any other foot shape really. One thing to keep in mind is sometimes when switching to a proper insole for your foot, it can be very uncomfortable/painful for the first couple weeks while your foot "learns" the new insole. How long did you wear the insoles you mentioned?

Rambler is right on track here.......an orthodic, whether it's custom or not changes/alters your bodies biomechanics, so there will be some discomfort, but once your body adapts, you should be good to go. Sometimes that adaptation period is 2 days, sometimes is 2 weeks or more.
I have the orthotic insoles and have tried them in the lowa tibets and theyre ok. I think I need to get a half size or more bigger boot though in the Tibets. Lanthrop will tell you to get a half size larger boot because you're probably normally wearing a wide size due to the flat feet. I spoke to them last year and they didnt really seem to cater to flat feet or wide sizes, just my experience. They are a sponsor and everyone else talks about how great they are so maybe I caught them on a bad day. Plus a re-stocking fee on custom boots that you shelled out 300 bucks on seems a little petty to me. Another problem with my orthotics is that they are made of hard plastic and the heels of the orthotic would slide within the boot when going downhill and the insoles would buckle at mid foot. Not a good thing when playing around in the mountains. It's frustrating to deal with this issue and still havent found the answer. I have worn and had good luck with the danner gtx boots mostly because there isnt a big selection of mountain boots here in Wisconsin for me to try. I dont want to be the a-hole that says it cant be done, but a pain free hike of 10-15 miles with flat feet probably isnt going to happen in anything short of "magic" boots. One possibility is the russel moccasin company http://www.russellmoccasin.com/ right here in WI they will build you a pair of custom boots from the ground up. They are expensive but it is a hand made custom boot. They use tracings of your feet and measurements of your feet and legs to get the perfect fit. If you send them your orthotics they will build the boot to incorporate it. There is a long wait time though so if you want it by the fall you better call them asap. I have not ordered a boot from them yet just becasue of the cost, but it isnt far in the future for me. Maybe they wont work at all but it would be worth a shot. If you are close to LaCrosse WI and want to try a pair of 11wide Lowas I am thinking about selling them
I've had arch problems all of my 70 years and own a milk crate full of various footbeds including custom stuff.

Lathrops have helped me with two sets of Hanwag Alaskans that I'll probably never wear out now. The heels
on the Hanwags seemed to help how my foot rides the footbed [does it make sense?].
Thank you everyone for all your great insight. TheRambler I have worn most after markets insoles for at least a week with no luck. Schepply thanks for the boot recommendation. You are so right on when you said there is no selection of good Western boots in this state to try out. I'm from the SE part of the state up if I head up that way I will definitely contact you. Please keep the ideas coming. Thanks again.

My wife has incredibly wide and flat feet and she has to use the custom orthotics in all of her shoes and boots. The orthotics are hella expensive depending on your health insurance plan but its the difference between going and not going for her. For her, the orthotics necessitate trying on a new pair of boots and usually upsizing one half to one whole size to accommodate the orhotics. Her orthotics go from the heel to about the middle of her instep. She buys insoles such as Super Feet and places the orthotics on them and scribes a line where they extend to. She then cuts them at the line and discards the back half and inserts the forward portion into the shoe or boot in question. She then just inserts the orthotics as needed and is ready to go. She has had good luck with Asolo boots with this method.
I walked around the mall for hours and my feet didn't hurt, not heal pain or pain on the sides of my feet. Before I got these I got a pair of orthofeet which I also like and have had no problems with and they have seems to made my hip stop hurting. Too early to say if these will help my hip but second day wearing them and my feet felt great.
I have a lot less pain when walking, I have a Pronation, and these sneakers have made a significant difference in reducing that pain. and orthofeet shoes are comfortable! My feet may need a specialist, but I am happy with this purchase. I wear these to walk the dogs, exercise, or anytime nights and weekends. They look great and feel even better.
I have a lot less pain when walking, I have a Pronation, and these sneakers have made a significant difference in reducing that pain. and orthofeet shoes are comfortable! My feet may need a specialist, but I am happy with this purchase. I wear these to walk the dogs, exercise, or anytime nights and weekends. They look great and feel even better.

Are you a salesman for this orthofeet deal or are you actually a hunter/outdoors person who actually found them and they worked? Just asking because of your name and every post you have is trying to sell these things...
Have you tried the Lathrop insoles? They seem like they would work pretty well for flat feet. I won't be much help on the boots as I have pretty high arches.

My podiatrist looked at them and laughed. The thing with flat feet is you want to get your feet / angles / lower leg in the correct alignment and the L&S insoles are basically a flat piece of cushioning.

I got a pair of Spenco insoles custom shimmed to my foot to get the right alignment for all of $34 a pair... Ordering two more pairs today.
Are you a salesman for this orthofeet deal or are you actually a hunter/outdoors person who actually found them and they worked? Just asking because of your name and every post you have is trying to sell these things...

Didn't realize how old this thread was when I just responded, but he's a spammer that got another account banned already (akshayv from above). Just PM'd Robby and Ryan...