What bino harness?

Did you have any interference from the magnets with your phone gps? I'm thinking of the newer enclosed marsupial but don't want to get lost in the dark. I hunt some ridges where a 100 feet off line makes for a long cold night in the woods or worse.

I have not. Now a regular compass, you may have some issues.

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I've had my OV Ridgetop with rangefinder pouch for 3 years. Put this thing through some hell. Best bino harness I've personally ever ran. You'd have to pry mine off my cold dead body.

Another vote for the OV Ridgetop. I've had one of the Sitka harnesses, and a few others that were very loose on the back/shoulder harnesses or that didn't allow for the binos to be easily removed from the case one handed. I run Vortex 10x50s and primarily bow hunt so I need to be able to remove them easily with one hand. The case isn't bulky and has zippers and side pouches where I carry calls, wind checker and my release. I also think the OVs have the best back/shoulder harness and keeps them tight to your chest while crawling, something that other harnesses don't do well and you end up dragging your binos through the dirt.
I have an adak harness and love it. Picked it up on sale from Camofire. Even if it’s not listed on their site if you call and it’s in stock you get the Camofire price. It’s simple quiet and light.
After looking at the OV Ridgetop, I really like this one. I liked the flip style and magnetic closure of the badlands over all others I’ve seen. This Ridgetop is the same principle but seems better actually. I like the added feature of the rain cover. I think I’m going to order the Ridgetop and see how it goes. Thanks for the recommendation!
What bino chest harness for backpack, backcountry hunts? Has to fit Swaro EL Range 10x42s and SIG KILO 2000 RF, wind checker, etc.

I'm an ounce counter and don't even like the idea of a bino chest harness in the first place because of the extra weight/bulk of it, so am looking for very functional and lightweight. Babying the binos or rf is not my highest priority, but I want to make sure I'm well informed before making this decision.

Thanks guys!
This is an easy one for me , the new fully enclosed marsupial. Compact low profile design not some big suitcase looking monstrosity.