What bino harness?

I've tried a lot of these (FHF, S4 Lockdown, Horn Hunter, Rick Young, plain Cabela's harness with a separate cover over the binos). None were quite "perfect". With continued research, I have recently purchased the Marsupial version. I haven't hunted with it yet, and not saying it will be "perfect", but it seems quite nice and is what I expected. I summarize it as a merger between the FHF design (including the materials, the pockets and the comfortable and minimalistic harness) with the front opening/magnet design of the Badlands. So far, it seems like the merger ends up with a better product over both of the others. I sold the FHF because of the back opening lid. I haven't used the Badlands model, but the Marsupial front opening lid doesn't just hang open like what the Badlands appears to do. In addition to the magnets at the top for closing the lid securely, the Marsupial has magnets at the bottom of the pack to secure the lid down and out of the way when open. The Marsupial seems like it will fit the bill for my use on rifle hunts with Vortex Fury rangefinding binoculars.
I've tried a lot of these (FHF, S4 Lockdown, Horn Hunter, Rick Young, plain Cabela's harness with a separate cover over the binos). None were quite "perfect". With continued research, I have recently purchased the Marsupial version. I haven't hunted with it yet, and not saying it will be "perfect", but it seems quite nice and is what I expected. I summarize it as a merger between the FHF design (including the materials, the pockets and the comfortable and minimalistic harness) with the front opening/magnet design of the Badlands. So far, it seems like the merger ends up with a better product over both of the others. I sold the FHF because of the back opening lid. I haven't used the Badlands model, but the Marsupial front opening lid doesn't just hang open like what the Badlands appears to do. In addition to the magnets at the top for closing the lid securely, the Marsupial has magnets at the bottom of the pack to secure the lid down and out of the way when open. The Marsupial seems like it will fit the bill for my use on rifle hunts with Vortex Fury rangefinding binoculars.
Does the marsupial have any extra pockets for gear such as wind indicator, release,etc? I see the front zip but wasn’t sure if there was room inside or not for other things.
Any one running a badlands Bino pack? I feel like they are useful but kinda bulky. I love the mag closure and the flip away from the body lid. Any thoughts of something similar that may be less bulky?
I have one but no longer use it since I switched to a bino/rangefinder combo that is too wide for the opening. The Badlands is very comfortable and user friendly. I have several harnesses and would default too the Badlands if it fit.

Using an FHF (I have a few different sizes) and while I appreciate the minimalist design, I wish it opened outward. That being said, it really isn’t that big of an issue.
Does the marsupial have any extra pockets for gear such as wind indicator, release,etc? I see the front zip but wasn’t sure if there was room inside or not for other things.

I had my tags in the back mesh, 8x42 in the puch with my RF on top of them and lid closed, chapstick on 1 side of the pouch and windchecker/small knife on the other pouch.
Does the marsupial have any extra pockets for gear such as wind indicator, release,etc? I see the front zip but wasn’t sure if there was room inside or not for other things.

I see that Ian replied as well, but YES there are extra pockets. There are small pockets on either side of the main case for things like a windchecker. There's a zip pocket in the front and a pocket on the back of the case (i.e., the side against your chest). It's the same pocket set up I recall from the FHF except the front zip pocket has a horizontal zipper opening instead of a vertical zipper opening.
One other thing about the Marsupial. If you don't plan to use the harness with any other type of pack, they have a different type of top buckle attachment you can swap out for the buckles that come with it. The swap out makes the pack fit better in my opinion. If you don't need or want the flexibility with the original buckle, I recommend the swap.
Any one running a badlands Bino pack? I feel like they are useful but kinda bulky. I love the mag closure and the flip away from the body lid. Any thoughts of something similar that may be less bulky?

I had the Badlands and switched to Marsupial. Both are magnetic and pull away. However, the Marsupial will fold and stay open where the BL stays open like a shelf. The magnetic closure produces a snap sound on the BL as well.

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Switched to T&K this winter, have really liked it so far when hiking and shed hunting this year. It seems to sit better on the chest and not creep down over the day. I also like that I can put pouches I want on the side - pouches that fit my radio or my SP101.

T and K Bino Harness
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I've tried a lot of these (FHF, S4 Lockdown, Horn Hunter, Rick Young, plain Cabela's harness with a separate cover over the binos). None were quite "perfect". With continued research, I have recently purchased the Marsupial version. I haven't hunted with it yet, and not saying it will be "perfect", but it seems quite nice and is what I expected. I summarize it as a merger between the FHF design (including the materials, the pockets and the comfortable and minimalistic harness) with the front opening/magnet design of the Badlands. So far, it seems like the merger ends up with a better product over both of the others. I sold the FHF because of the back opening lid. I haven't used the Badlands model, but the Marsupial front opening lid doesn't just hang open like what the Badlands appears to do. In addition to the magnets at the top for closing the lid securely, the Marsupial has magnets at the bottom of the pack to secure the lid down and out of the way when open. The Marsupial seems like it will fit the bill for my use on rifle hunts with Vortex Fury rangefinding binoculars.

What were your thoughts on the horn hunter?
The Horn Hunter was one of the first I tried and it's been several years since I had it. It opened to the back, which I don't favor. The materials didn't seem as nice as the FHF or the Marsupial. I remember there being a lot of "extra" material when I adjusted the harness and I ended up taping things up. It used a Velcro wrap that went around an accessory (like a rangefinder) and that wrap had a magnet attachment to the case. That was actually kind of handy for ease of access to the accessory. I used it mainly for coyote hunting because I had a way to also include the controller for my electronic call. Ultimately, I would put it last on the list of the ones I tried.

For comfort on your chest and ease of use, the S4 Lockdown was pretty good. If it had a better harness that stayed tight to your body, I would probably just stick with that. I never used it with a bino and a rangefinder, just the RF binos.
I have owned several and my favorite so far is the Marsupial. Light, quiet, and I like the way it functions.
I think Sitka is going to make some good changes for 2020 from what I've heard.
FHF looks good as well but move fast if they are in stock. I had it in my cart and got distracted, when I came back the next day they were sold out.
I have been running the AGC Kodiak Cub but it is bulky and heavy and it seems to make a bunch of noise when I pull my binos out. Ive been looking at the FHF and Marsupial but cannot make a decision on which way I want to go.
I have been running the AGC Kodiak Cub but it is bulky and heavy and it seems to make a bunch of noise when I pull my binos out. Ive been looking at the FHF and Marsupial but cannot make a decision on which way I want to go.

Cant go wrong with either. IMO I feel like the FHF has a little more versatility as far as pockets and what you can attach(underneath the actual pouch)
Thanks that what I was thinking as well Just liked how the marsupial is forward opening
I found the Kuiu ok. I thought it wasn't very functional for 1 handed use (large with Nikon 10x42's). I also didn't like how the back was open. When hunting in thicker bush this became a funnel for leaves and debris. Its been sold and i'm using a Rick Young. When I upgrade my binos this year I'll make the switch to an ADAK bino harness I think. Unless Kifaru have theirs out an it looks worthy.
Do you guys where your harness under your pack straps or do you clip it on your pack ? I’ve never owned a bino harness. I hunt in the bush in Saskatchewan and am thinking of trying for mike deer so I’m gearing up a bit.

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Do you guys where your harness under your pack straps or do you clip it on your pack ? I’ve never owned a bino harness. I hunt in the bush in Saskatchewan and am thinking of trying for mike deer so I’m gearing up a bit.

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I'll wear my harness with a pack. Kuiu icon pro pack. With an fhf bino harness.