What arrows are you shooting...not weight but brand

I have shot Gold tip Hunters for years. I dont by the Pros but the Hunter XTs.
I have never really had an issue with them at all and have been able to get almost a full doz to spin true and build good when I am done.
Next year would like to try some other arrows and would like to see which ones you all would suggest.
Would like to try something in a smaller dia arrow but not really sure which ones to try or use.
I know with the smaller dia arrows there is a little bit of a building learning curve somewhat compared to what I have been using jsut because of the components.
So what arrow and components are you all using.
Victory VAP SS 250 it's a stainless carbon weave arrow, 4mm diameter, with a 60 grn stainless outsert, my draw length is 28.5 and I cut carbon to carbon at 28.25 and with the added outsert and a 125 grn exodus broadhead I get a total arrow weight of 515 grns. I fletch with 3 boning heat low profile 3" vanes. I shoot a Mathews V3 w 75 lb mods cranked it draws 79 lbs and I get arrow velocity of right at 300 fps. It's a deadly combo for me and I get good FOC right around 15%.
This past year I tested axis, rip tko, airstrike, red sd and rampage (all tuned using AA software).

Red SD flew the best and had the best overall quality of most the others after testing them out.
Easton 4mm FMJs with a 125 cutthroad 3 blade out of my compound
Easton camo hunter XX75s 2217s with a 125 cutthroad 3 blade out of my recurve.

Big fan of both arrows
Easton FMJs, for both my bow & crossbow.

I've been using them for 15+ years. In all that time, I've had 2 break. Both times were a quartering away shot solidly hitting/breaking the offside shoulder and not getting a complete pass thru. The deer broke the bolts with their near side legs while running off.

Damn tough arrows/bolts, which is why I think they've been discontinued. At least I can't find 20" bolts anywhere. :unsure: I stocked up when they were on clearance at a local shop. Pretty sure I have a lifetime supply anyway.
In the process of switching from a RIP TKO with IW components to an Easton Pro Comp with Glue in Evolution Components.