What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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On a serious note...it is very plausible that because of the delayed symptoms some one could have been exposed went through a small quarantine time and let it out unknowingly. Especially if this is something completely new with out alot of testing. Im sure there are very strick processes in place to prevent this.. but anything is possible.
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I think the Chinese know more then they are saying or why would there be 42 million people locked down with shoot to kill orders for anyone trying to leave. Also heard the death toll doubled again.

This is very early in the stages of this virus, only been a few weeks or it’s only been in the news for a few weeks, either way it’s not been long. 6 months from now there may be 42 million dead in China.
I read that N95 masks are unavailable on Amazon and in a lot of retail locations. I was in a Home Depot yesterday and one lady was buying all the 95 masks they had left and another guy was checking out with a whole cart full of them. Nothing like cashing in on a pandemic - disgusting.

I read somewhere that the N95 mask isn't going to help. Not sure if that is true but the hysteria is real.

I saw China has started construction of a 1000 bed hospital to be completed in 6 days! I imagine it is worse than they are saying.

As far as my monkey brain can figure it is just a matter of time before another bad virus gets started that modern medicine can't catch up with. Most people interact with infinitely more people on average than in the days of the plague or Spanish flu. I'm not even convinced most people are healthier today than in those days.

Where was it reported that there was a shoot to kill order?
I think the Chinese know more then they are saying or why would there be 42 million people locked down with shoot to kill orders for anyone trying to leave. Also heard the death toll doubled again.

This is very early in the stages of this virus, only been a few weeks or it’s only been in the news for a few weeks, either way it’s not been long. 6 months from now there may be 42 million dead in China.

The fact that this is reported to be transmitted before symptoms are present for up to 3 weeks and we in the US have how many identified with it that have possibly exposed thousands to a virus that us reported to be 30% more transmittable than the flu equates to a very possible pandemic.
They are evacuating 200 Americans with a stop over in for fuel in Anchorage this week, I sure hope they test them good but with no symptoms showing up for a few weeks could be risky
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Take it FWIW, but if it can be spread for almost two weeks when people have zero symptoms, I'm a little spooked.

Jeezus, what a load of crap that website is.. Bunch of fear mongering propaganda....
Straight from the CDC a Dr Dena (something)
1. China is not being honest about the severity of this virus
2. This virus has the double whammy- very communicable AND deadly.
Good stuff on the CDC page

i think this virus has more to do withmillions in close proximity to farm animals and their culture of eating weird stuff like bat soup.

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