What are your impressions after watching this Video?


Jun 21, 2012
Nor Cal
First a warning....This is not a Hunting video...


What does it remind you of?

What emotion does it make you feel?

Does it apply to you?

Just wanted to stimulate some conversation outside of current events/politics and gear wars...

Brock A

Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Orting, WA
That is a great movie. Really makes you reflect...Everyday when I am sitting on the train, riding to work in downtown Seattle. I am always telling myself "This isn't you, what are you doing this for?". Then I remember I have bills & a mortgage payment.

I like the part when he talks about joy having to happen on your vacation or dreams coming true on a Tuesday.

Thanks for the motivation for the day!
Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
i dont know how many more years i have as a productive member of society, things like this make me want to work part time or just piece work or not at all! and just have fun and do the things i enjoy instead of the things im supposed to do

Rent Outdoor Gear

Rokslide Sponsor
Feb 25, 2012
Really well written and filmed...

Can't really put to words what that made me feel right now, but definitely though provoking. I'll get back to you after I ponder quitting my job and cashing out my 401K for a while longer...

I rock climbed at Smith Rock for a few days after graduating college (pretty sure that's where they were climbing) - cool canyon on the Metolius River outside of Bend, OR.
Dec 30, 2012
North Idaho
Do you own your belongings, or do they own you?

Are you doing what you really want to do?

Do you know how many days you have left?


Feb 25, 2012
Lynden, WA
Love the concept of the video of living life to its fullest and not getting so wrapped up in our jobs, possessions, etc. At the same time, I see videos like this and the cynical me sees people who have a tendency to leach off of society. The unfortunate truth is that we live in a fallen, sinful world and we don't get to just do everything we want for our own pleasure. We are cursed to toil and work the land in order to make a living.

Does that mean that we can't appreciate life, live life to the fullest, enjoy every minute? No, of course not! My motto has always been "Work Hard, Play Harder." I try to simplify my life as much as possible while still finding a way to support myself and my family. Do I love my job? No. Do I love the benefits my job gives me? As much time off as I can afford, the ability to allow my wife to be a stay at home mom when we have kids, the ability to own a house and pay the bills? I can find a way to enjoy what I do for the rewards that I reap as a result.

We all dream deep down to get away from it all, get rid of our responsibilities, and live life to the fullest. But IMO, that is a childish dream. Look at the people who "Occupied Wallstreet" to speak out against all those people making all that money by working so hard while they just bummed their lives away protesting things on the street. That's not who I'm going to be.

I guess for me it comes down to living every day of my life to the fullest. Find the little things to enjoy and find those bigger things that I get to look forward to (e.g. hunting season!) :) Simplify if you need to in order to enjoy your life more, but that doesn't make it a good, or responsible decision to just let go of all of your responsibilities to only do the things you LOVE! (Especially if you have a family!)

Some may disagree with me and that's fine. Definitely not pointing a finger at anyone (except maybe those who like to Occupy Wallstreet and such...) Just what crosses my mind when I see a video like that.

Jon Boy

May 25, 2012
Paradise Valley, MT
Im planning such a trip this fall, hunting through out the states of montana, idaho and washington working my way west back home. I graduate this may and cant see myself getting to wrapped up in life just yet. Im 20 and dont have any major obligations or responsibilities and its something Ive always wanted to do. Ive been saving a good bit of change and am finalizing the video gear right now. Im hoping over the three month span Ill figure out just what I want to make of life along the way. Im making a facebook page at the moment to follow everything working up to this trip and the adventure itself. Ill be posting that up soon.

Shane its too bad you think that way, maybe it because your a good bit older than me, and maybe after all it is just a "childish dream" I guess that is why I need to get this monkey off my back while im still in my youth and still can. I dont think taking 3 months off of my career search at this age will be much of a negative affect.

Larry Bartlett

Rokslide Sponsor
Feb 13, 2013
we have commitments in life, fo sho...but why do we work till we are old and then regret every day we didn't spend doing what made us happy and fulfilled? F that, yall. I work everyday to provide a lifestyle that makes me feel ultimately fulfilled and engaged with my family and friends. anything outside of that is a huge waste of time.

My dad was killed when he was 52 y/o, with mostly regrets for not living the way he wanted for the sake of life experiences. 8 years ago he died, and I've vowed never to repeat that cycle...

old is a state of mind, broke is a state of action (or inaction), lost is a state of misdirection...life is by personal design.

good video, man. thanks for sharing it.



Sep 27, 2012
Laramie, WY
Great video. Just hope I can find a happy medium in life. Thanks for sharing and bringing things back into perspective a little!
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
What does it remind you of? Marketing class in college

What emotion does it make you feel? Cynicism

Does it apply to you? It probably applies to most everyone in its demographic, also probably why it will be an effective ad.
Oct 6, 2012
Really well written and filmed...

Can't really put to words what that made me feel right now, but definitely though provoking. I'll get back to you after I ponder quitting my job and cashing out my 401K for a while longer...

I rock climbed at Smith Rock for a few days after graduating college (pretty sure that's where they were climbing) - cool canyon on the Metolius River outside of Bend, OR.

Come on Darin, my wife actually grew up a mile from Smith Rock, we go there weekly (when I'm not traveling for work) That is the Crooked River that flows through there! LOL The Metolious is further west near the Cascades. Both excellent fishing waters.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
My thoughts after viewing the video? Working 150 days a year is still too much....

Trout bum

Feb 27, 2012
Thanks for posting that 2rocky.

To me it says: Enjoy life, family, friends and what nature has to offer. Don't attach yourself to the past and don't grasp at the future. Keep it simple. Live now and live responsibly. Stay balanced. Be humble. Laugh more. Smile at cynics.

I think it is more than a concept and it doesn't have to be a dream.

That's just my take on the video.

Jon Boy…..enjoy it man. Sounds like a great trip!


Dec 9, 2012
I highly doubt most of us are gonna be laying' on our death-beds goin' "Damn! Wish i would worked more and hunted less."...


Feb 25, 2012
Lynden, WA
Jon Boy - it's only a childish dream if you shirk your responsibilities to your family, to society, to you God, etc. to make it happen. You are a perfect stage in life to make a trip like that happen! I am sure it will be awesome and hope you have the time of your life! I wouldn't encourage you to do that if you were going to be leaving your wife or children and giving up your income for 1-3 months straight and neglecting your responsbilities to them. I sure wouldn't want you to do that if you were living on unemployement or food stamps in order to make it happen because then you're just making someone else work for your own pleasures. Not trying to say it's childish to live life to its fullest. I do think it's childish to think that you can live a life looking only for pleasure (e.g. all work no play) and never have to face any responsibilities (or never hurt others due to your lack of responsibilities) but it's also fully possible to go on a 3 month hunting trip without doing any of the above. That's awesome!!!

Larry - I'm sorry to hear of the loss for your dad. Not trying to diminish any lessons learned through that loss or discourage anyone from following their dreams.

Again, I don't want to discourage anyone from living every single day to their fullest. I just think it's important to remember that work may not be our favorite, but it's not all bad. I hope we can all find ways to not look back at our lives and feel like we've wasted it away even if we aren't doing something we love every single day because in general, that's just not possible.