What are deer eating and where are they sleeping...


Nov 28, 2024
...during gun deer season in SW Wisconsin (hill country by the Kickapoo River)?

That's the question on my mind after an unsuccessful hunt.

Morning after a fresh snowfall, 15 degrees, zero sign on very nice south-facing ridges, medium thick, oak, places you'd think bucks especially would like.

I am thinking they are in the cattails and swamps along the river - even when it's this cold?

The problem is that hunting that terrain is very, very tough unless you're setup to do drives (we weren't). You just can't still-hunt it. You'll see a flag if you're lucky but likely not much else.

I'm wondering where they're feeding also. We definitely see them in ag fields at night shining. I know red oak acorns are still good this time of year. And red oaks are everywhere around here. Yet you don't see deer in the oaks in the last hour of daylight.

I know big bucks end up being almost totally nocturnal but that's clearly not true of most of them.

I guess I am kind of answering my own questions but would like to hear the wisdom of others. I just got into this sport after 25 years off.

I miss the days of my family owning 100 acres, climbing into the stand on opening morning and having a 99% chance of getting a shot. :)
...during gun deer season in SW Wisconsin (hill country by the Kickapoo River)?
I hunt low mountains in the western MD Alleghenys, typically 1,500' to 3,000' ASL. I also hunt the relatively flat, swampy ground of Maryland's eastern shore. Mostly hardwoods in both places.
That's the question on my mind after an unsuccessful hunt.
Sometimes best to just walk around and find them vs just wondering. Probably blow them out and not benefit much this year, but you will know where to look next year.

To be effective, especially this time of year, you almost have to know where they are bedding and get between that and their activity areas. Either catch them on the way home or on their way out to feed. I usually avoid setting up in bedding areas, but in tough conditions like that, you can often ease in *early* and set up and have any deer you might have bumped drift back in later.
Morning after a fresh snowfall, 15 degrees, zero sign on very nice south-facing ridges, medium thick, oak, places you'd think bucks especially would like.
In my experience, they will be very nervous on a fresh snow, knowing they are visible and vulnerable. More open areas will be avoided during the day and they tend to lay up in very thick cover, or at least thick at ground level. You may not see much sign of movement the first day or two after new snow.

In the mountains, I often find them in greenbriers and/or honeysuckle up against blowdowns in the snow. They're fairly well hidden when bedded and will eat the new growth without having to move much. Hemlock thickets offer dry ground, cover and shelter. 3 to 6 year old clear-cuts are also deer magnets in bad weather, offering browse and cover.

Not unusual here to have the deer lay tight for the first day or two after new snow, especially if the ground was bare before. Going from low brush and everything around them brown to suddenly having everything matted down with snow and bright white is a shock to their system.

Usually cold air collects in the bottoms and deer like to be warm, but when it snows, cover becomes more critical than temperature.
I am thinking they are in the cattails and swamps along the river - even when it's this cold?
On our eastern shore, deer often hole up in cattails and phragmites near low areas. Not so much that they like it low, but because that's where the cover is after the frost knocks down the annual growth.
The problem is that hunting that terrain is very, very tough unless you're setup to do drives (we weren't). You just can't still-hunt it. You'll see a flag if you're lucky but likely not much else.
Same with our eastern shore; so flat and thick, it's almost impossible to walk up on deer and most hunting is from elevated stands and late-season drives.
I'm wondering where they're feeding also. We definitely see them in ag fields at night shining. I know red oak acorns are still good this time of year. And red oaks are everywhere around here. Yet you don't see deer in the oaks in the last hour of daylight.
While deer eat acorns of all species, White Oak is the big attraction here. Large, sweet acorns that are high in nutrition. I'll find minimal deer activity around red/black oaks, but the ground under the white oaks will be dug up. When the white oak acorns are gone, they turn to the others. Colder weather, I see them eating higher nutrition stuff, like corn, beans and acorns. Warm weather I see them eating grass (highway shoulders and power line right of ways) and browsing on brush (eating shoots & buds).

After the first day or two, you should have some tracks that will help locate your deer. Try to intercept them before they have to leave cover to feed. If you're using to hunting field edges, move back into the woods a hundred or two yards. I get a lot of deer moving up-slope in the evening that hold up and stage a little below the crest of the hill, waiting for it to get dark enough to get up on the oak ridges and eat acorns safely.
I know big bucks end up being almost totally nocturnal but that's clearly not true of most of them.
With snow on the ground, almost all of them are going to lean toward moving after dark. I have had good results taking a stand near thick 'escape cover' and having deer move in to me after being bumped by someone else moving around. I am a big believer in being on stand at lunchtime and see a lot of deer moved between 10am and 2pm. If you are on or close to public land, you might try to set yourself up to take advantage of impatient hunters moving around and moving deer.

Good luck!
NW IL here in Driftless country. Use the snow to identify how much traffic an area is getting and ask yourself why they were moving through those areas. It was not by accident. Usually as previously stated it is likely because they are going from bedding to either feed or water. Determining what the deer in your area are eating on the day you are hunting can be beneficial but tough as you have identified to pinpoint with absolute certainty. It can be a huge bust to just pick a random food source you think makes sense, but that the deer aren’t actually using with enough consistency.

I setup on routes of heavy travel in areas the hold deer consistently, generally setting up between where they bed and water with food options available as they move through. I see them browse in lots of places on honeysuckle, exposed grass, food plots, and on and on.

Knowing where they bed helped me to achieve consistency, but it took years of hunting the same area to really narrow down where and when. Ambushing as they move in and out of bedding areas along routes of travel towards things they need is how I hunt. I know this may not be helpful, but it is years of experience with eventual success along the way. Don’t get discouraged, learn the area, and hunt hard. Good luck!
I live about 30 minutes from the Kickapoo River. Shot 11pt on Wednesday. Was on the West end of east/west ridge. Between bedding area and food. Try hunting midday in oak patches near bedding area. Afternoon hunters going to stand might chase deer your direction.
I have tried hunting midday in oak patches near bedding area - but then it turned out they weren't bedding there.

Snow Friday was the only snow of the season so far.

Since this is 10,000 acres and deer move a lot it's not practical to scout more than a very small section. And since hunters can move into "your" area at any time you need two backup plans.

It's challenging, that is for sure.
Do yourself a favor and buy a crossbow, go 2 weeks earlier.

You hunted during the most difficult time to hunt successfully. Late in the week gun deer on public land is a recipe for skittish deer, that are likely hunkered up in stuff so thick you won’t see them till your on top of them.
Since you have 10,000 acres try tracking.
Think of it as an investment for next season with the ability to enjoy hunting this season.
As was mentioned previously, if you bump them at least you know where they were.
Also if you do bump them, often times they don’t know what bumped them and they may only go a 100-200 yards. They may try to J hook downwind to pick up your scent.
If you can judge the wind direction, maybe you can get downwind to where they may come in on the j hook and get an opportunity there.
At least you’re still hunting….
Since you have 10,000 acres try tracking.
Think of it as an investment for next season with the ability to enjoy hunting this season.
As was mentioned previously, if you bump them at least you know where they were.
Also if you do bump them, often times they don’t know what bumped them and they may only go a 100-200 yards. They may try to J hook downwind to pick up your scent.
If you can judge the wind direction, maybe you can get downwind to where they may come in on the j hook and get an opportunity there.
At least you’re still hunting….

Invest in the future, cover ground for part of each day. Move fast enough to cover ground, but quietly enough to bump/see some of them.
If you feel they are holed up in cattails and swamps, call up a buddy or three and work the swamps with guy or two positioned out front.
I hunt public land in S.E Wis. It was a bad year for me. I hunted 9 hunts in 9 days, 2 were on opening day. Several things happened that made it a bad year. The deer are almost completely done with the rut . They are tired . This time of year , it seems they are resting for winter. It was also very windy around here and they seem to not like that at all. The marsh grass was constantly waving back and forth along with the trees. We hit 20 mph wind many times . Another thing is there were plenty of hunters the first 2 days. Those deer know very well what is going on. There are many un experienced hunters out there the first 2 days. They think they can just walk around , stay 50' apart and think they will kick up a deer . It almost never happens . I had 2 guys walk by my stand and that messes things up wen they crack branches, stop and sit on a log and tramp through bedding areas. They just dont move much for several days after that. I sat 9 times and did not see a deer till Friday and they were on the move , surely kicked up by drivers. The next day ( 8th sit) I saw 3 deer and were running. Amazingly they seemed to be rutting, but the rut is all but done. It was very cold too. It is the latest season Wisconsin has , Nov. 23 opener. We could solve a lot of this bs by making opening day a week earlier . I have mentioned this on other threads and it always gets ridiculed . They say it will decimate the buck herd. it wont . Only thing that will do that is more people using cross bows. Also, it is easy to forget, now days 30% of the buck harvest is over before we get a rifle in the woods. It is easy to forget that . I got a buck there on Nov. 2. I have to remind myself one buck is already gone that we know of and likely more , plus a few does. Wisconsin rifle hunters are going to be playing second fiddle and the DNR won't change gun season to be earlier. There are so few bucks shot up north anyway and most bucks that make it past the rut are wolf poop by spring time from rutting themselves to death and then comes heavy snow.... By by 2 1/2 yr. old buck . The DNR keeps saying the southern deer herd is out of control . It isnt yet , but from Germantown to Fond Du Lac there is a dead deer every mile on HWY 41 on each side of the road.. There are a lot of deer. Ya just can't go hard charging 500, 000 hunters in one day and think the deer are going to just move like 2 weeks ago.. They dont get it. They are an obtuse bunch that just dont care. Make guns season a week earlier and a week longer . Then I can pick the days I want to hunt without cramming it into 9 days..
I’ve hunted public land like that in mid-Michigan, in bow and rifle season, though the areas are much less than 10,000 contiguous acres. I would start scouting after deer season to see where the deer were located under the intense rifle season pressure. Early spring scouting is also good to see scrapes and other buck sign that was made before rifle season. I’d check for other hunter stands and such while doing so, and especially look for pressure spots that will limit other hunter entry, and that usually means wet & thick stuff to go through to your stand. The following bow season is a good time to see actual deer movement, and prepare to move accordingly with a climber or whatever works for you.

My best bow spot was in a tree between two drainages. Getting to it required high rubber boots or hip waders, depending on weather & beavers and I often waded in with my hunting boots strapped over my climber, changing into my boots at the tree. When I say tree I mean one maple that was between multiple runways by edge bucks started traveling when seeking. I carried my climber in and out every day. I never had a deer notice me 17’ up, and rarely saw a hunter on this heavily pressured piece.

Rifle pressure there was insane and though I shot a few bucks hunting it I moved to a different piece for that season. It was a big tag alder swamp with little knolls scattered through it. I needed hip or chest waders most seasons to get in but where I sat was so thick that I only saw one hunter even during dry years, and he looked lost and panicked. I sat right on the ground with only cut tag as a “blind”, and went there every year in early to trim growth so I could shoot up to twenty yards. It was very exciting hunting as you’d hear a deer approaching, usually a buck, well before you could see him and I shot 8 points within 12 paces from the first five minutes of opening day to the last five minutes of the last day of deer season, November 15-30.

I’m too old to sit in there much now and hunt my own land, near but not in thick cover, but I miss that hunting. If your joints aren’t old and arthritic like mine I’d try it. Here are a couple of those swamp bucks from the tag alders, not giants but good for that state land.



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That is how I hunt. The cat tails are terribly hard to see anything . However, I never got a big buck out of y 7,000 public land by me. I likely will someday . I'm 61 now and realize I don't have forever , but I retire in 18 months and I will have more time . It is very hard to hunt in the afternoon and then get up to go to work the next day.. In a way , I love those cat tail marshes . Seems no one goes in there.
Well, if you arent having luck then there's zero loss...get in there while the snow's on the ground, find some tracks and follow them. It's likely you'll find nighttime feeding sign, follow that and find beds in thick cover (not just nighttime beds while feeding). You'll find out where the deer bed after they've been under assault for a week. THAT is valuable. And if you spook a few deer you're still better off than if you'd kept sitting somewhere they arent.
My guess is those cattails are full of deer. If you havent yet, take a midday walk in some cattails--you'll find tunnel-like trails all over, and you'll likely find a big clearing covered in beds around the base of any tree or brush--those spots are just a few inches higher so woody trees or dogwoods will grow there. Hunting those areas takes being creative, but you can do it. The good thing is being inside cattails is LOUD, so if there's any wind at all deer in there wont hear you ujntil you're almost on top of them.
Well, if you arent having luck then there's zero loss...get in there while the snow's on the ground, find some tracks and follow them. It's likely you'll find nighttime feeding sign, follow that and find beds in thick cover (not just nighttime beds while feeding). You'll find out where the deer bed after they've been under assault for a week. THAT is valuable. And if you spook a few deer you're still better off than if you'd kept sitting somewhere they arent.
My guess is those cattails are full of deer. If you havent yet, take a midday walk in some cattails--you'll find tunnel-like trails all over, and you'll likely find a big clearing covered in beds around the base of any tree or brush--those spots are just a few inches higher so woody trees or dogwoods will grow there. Hunting those areas takes being creative, but you can do it. The good thing is being inside cattails is LOUD, so if there's any wind at all deer in there wont hear you ujntil you're almost on top of them.

You had to have waders, or at least knee-high boot, to go through those swamps during the season - at least until it got cold enough for things to really freeze the last few days.

That's one problem.

This just isn't going to be easy.
Good! That means fewer people will get in there, you have it all to yourself. Did Santa bring you hip waders?
The thing about hunting is that there are no absolutes.
It is all hard work.
The thing is, you put in all the work to get yourself in the area, and you use all the “clues” you’ve scouted up to hopefully give you an educated guess on the best approximate time to be in the stand.
Maybe you have to stop thinking that the actual hunt is the only fun part, and start viewing the journey as the fun part with the actual killing being the cherry on top.
Try to enjoy the process. Enjoy the scouting, embrace the grind and hard work, and the benefits of all of that.
Rifle pressure there was insane and though I shot a few bucks hunting it I moved to a different piece for that season. It was a big tag alder swamp with little knolls scattered through it. I needed hip or chest waders most seasons to get in but where I sat was so thick that I only saw one hunter even during dry years, and he looked lost and panicked. I sat right on the ground with only cut tag as a “blind”, and went there every year in early to trim growth so I could shoot up to twenty yards. It was very exciting hunting as you’d hear a deer approaching, usually a buck, well before you could see him and I shot 8 points within 12 paces from the first five minutes of opening day to the last five minutes of the last day of deer season, November 15-30.

What a fantastic story! Thanks!