What am I doing wrong?


Mar 20, 2012
Alright, it's been almost 3 months of serious training and I have seen little results.

Me= 28 yrs, 6 ft 3 in, 215 lbs

My Routine

Mon- Fri
-Hike incline trails with weighted pack 20lbs-50lbs for 1 hour
-Lift weights at home, different parts each day until failure for 1 hour
-Cross Country run on grass, 2-4 miles.

-Stationary bike, 30-40 min until I burn 300-350 calories.
-Combat training, all body parts only using own body weight, for 1 hour

For Food

- 9 am, Banana + Granola bar
-12 pm, bowl of fish and vegetables
-2 pm, Protein Drink + Protein Bar
-5 pm, bowl of fish and vegetables
-8 pm, protein drink
- Repeat

-I only drink water
-once a week I will have a PB Bacon & Honey sandwhich after my hike, this is my cheat meal
-snacks are homemade jerky and raw nuts

I have seen very little gains from lifting, I still have fat deposites in my midsection and waist and the only real progress I have noticed is my heart + lung function has increased as well as my butt and legs getting toned from hiking.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Should I just keep doing what I am doing or do I need to switch something up?
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banana = 100 calories
granola bar = 190 calories

fish= tapalia and salmon frozen fillet 110+140 = 250 calories
frozen veggies = 25 per cup x 3 = 75 calories

protein drink = 140 calories
protein bar = 240 calories

fish and veggies = 325 calories

protein drink = 140 calories

snacks = 250 calories

total 1,710 calroies

I am not sure how much calories I burn unless I ride a stationary bike, but I probably only take in around 1,000 calories and burn the rest off
I'd say that's part of your problem. You're not going to gain allot of strength when you're eating on a deficit. And for the rest, unless you progressively make the workout harder (through either intensity or duration) you're body has probably already adapted to the workout. Meaning the body has done what it needs to make sure it's ready for what it knows is going to happen. I have no idea what kind of shape you're in now, but I'd also say your probably on the cusp of overtraining, you have no rest/recovery days.

I'd ask yourself what your primary goal is and make that the focus of your workouts and then supplement that with the other part of your workouts in a much smaller volume.
The odd thing is I am losing general mass and not fat. My goal is to get lean muscle and lose this abdominal fat.

I took a rest day today and felt horrible and lazy, I just left like sleeping all day- it seemed like a waste

Weight lifting I have gained very little strength, but strength to weight ratio I can lift my own body weight plus my pack when hiking with ease.

I have eaten like a moose in the past, 3000+ calories a day and I gain tons of weight and gain lots of muscle but also a lot of fat

Not sure how it's done? I mean guys in the military and prison get 3 square meals a day, work out all the time and get results
Diet and possibly overtraining.....You need some rest. Your routine is like a full time job. I also think you need more calories, those being the right ones for your intended goal.
if it makes you feel any better i have virtually the same problem. i dont need to lose any but cant get rid of the fat on the belly. i eat about the same amt of calories and workout 6 days a week. i think, and i may be wrong, some of it is genetics. i could do everything perfectly and not put on alot of muscle. i try to compensate for that by lifting as much as i can and being in the best cardio shape i can. if i cant carry as much meat out im gonna have to make more trips so ive got to be in better condition. im probably wrong because i didnt start working out til i was 35 (41 now) and i know very little about it.
up the protien in your diet. your overall calorie intake is low. you should be in the 2250-2500 range of good quality calories. lift every other day and on your off days do some good quality cardio whether it is running, biking or hiking with a pack. Take one day off a week to get some good rest and recovery in.
I guess I should just drink some stream water and hope to get giardia so I can get really sick and lose this weight
I had the same problem for awhile ... And found I was not intaking enough calories Im 6' 190 run 6 days a week and lift 5 .... And for me to keep on decent mass Im around 2700 to 3000 calories with a maximum of 160 carbs a day , unless I have a long race like I do this weekend the carbs go real high to get glycogen levels up... The diet you might want to look at is a high protein low carb .... Its a hard one to manage but will decrease the fat tremendously .... Most important be happy your putting in the work and just need to try a few things to figure out what you need to get it burning ....
I have no problem eating more, espeically when it comes to meat. I enjoy cooking so it should be a quick fix to eat more protein throughout the day.