- Joined
- Feb 23, 2023
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Oh my goodness, what a show I had today, if you want just the highlight, ... That's like knowing who won the game then placing a bet. If you want the rest of the story, read on my friends.
I don't mean for this to be too long of a read, but I had a lot going on Tuesday. Owls hoot, turkey gobbles, crows start, turkeys gobble, a wood pecker starts squalling, turkey gobbles, oh yeah, it's on baby. It starts out very foggy, couldn't hardly see past 60-70 yards. Old eyes are not for this type of weather. One hen comes in, then a gobbler, couldn't get a good look at his beard, old eyes! Then, several more hens come in, the gobbler is strutting showing off, drumming. He's just a little far, I'm thinking. Hens are right on top of me, then all of a sudden the gobbler is right on me, 10 steps or less, I have no idea how he did that, scrawny beard, 5-6" thin, not what I'm looking for today. All of a sudden, he drops strut and goes back the way he came, another is there and they fight, wow, show offs.
Then, the new turkey is strutting, same place as the other was strutting, just out of gun range I'm thinking. FYI, I shoot 2 3/4 #4's, no TSS stuff, I use old guns, more on that later. Back to the story. He's strutting, moving, hens are paying him no attention, they are eating and scratching, still right on me. This gobbler is showing his stuff moving all in front of me, then to my right, then,.........yep, gone.
Hens are still there, can't move. They stayed in that general area from 6:30 or so until 9:15 or so, feeding, quick fights over who knows what, purring, soft yelps, just being turkeys. Can you hold your water that long? Not just your pee, but not move? Yeah, me either, luckily, they would get behind trees or bushes and I could twitch my back and old butt.
8:45, they start moving off, I finally make my first call of the day, three short soft yelps on the Lynch Foolproof, and a couple purrs. Here the hens come back. About 9:15, I don't know how he got there, there's a gobbler with a nice beard strutting almost in gun range, then he's there in range. Now, I've done this countless times, killing turkeys, I know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50+ years of hunting, killing, missing some, doing stupid crap at the wrong time, I know stinking better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1) When a turkey is strutting, "Do not shoot him!" I also know, "When a turkey is facing you, "Do not raise your gun or move it, wait." Yes sirs, I know some of you already have your guns up, could you imagine having your gun up for as long as this went on? Those hens were on me from 6:30 until the 9:15 or so...I learned to let him get behind a tree and raise it slowly. I also know, "Pay attention to the the other turkeys, where are they, will they spot movement." Nope, stinking jitters, shakes, just couldn't stand it any longer I wanted this turkey, he had a beard worth killing, 2 had already been close enough to shoot, one close enough to almost reach out and grab his throat, up came the Model 12, bam...... Now the fun begins, I thought I was being cute, had wrapped the gun in camo sticky cloth, couldn't pump the gun, couldn't reload, what in the crap......... Where's that turkey? 37 steps from Model 12 2 3/4 #4's.
He's flopping, run to him, grab him by the throat and wring his neck, always do this guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wring his neck, just like a chicken, duck, goose, dove, quail, etc. 9 3/4 beard and right at 2" spurs. I've killed much longer beards on 2 year old's, but those spurs, man....... Now to tote all this crap out.
Now, here's the sad part. I took pictures, I stepped off the paces, I sent a text to wife and FIL, only two I tell stuff that know me. I got my stuff and walked out to SXS, about a good fair piece, got everything loaded, then ....... I remembered to thank Him that gave me that show and blessed that hunt. Father, forgive me, you deserve the first thanks, the first blessing before anything else. Forgive me for pride and arrogance of doing everything else before lifting Your name. You gave us dominion over these fine birds, thank You, thank You. I had eyes to witness such a show today. Thank you for ears to hear all the wonderful sounds. The health just to be able to go and experience it all. Thank you for blessing me by bringing me home safe. And, thank you for a successful hunt(s) over the years. You, Father in Heaven, you are the reason for my success. All knowledge and wisdom comes from the Lord, All good things come from the Lord, I lift Your Holy Name, the name above all other Names, Jesus.
I hope it wasn't too long of a read, there was a show going on today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't begin to describe really what I witnessed in eyes and ears today.
I don't mean for this to be too long of a read, but I had a lot going on Tuesday. Owls hoot, turkey gobbles, crows start, turkeys gobble, a wood pecker starts squalling, turkey gobbles, oh yeah, it's on baby. It starts out very foggy, couldn't hardly see past 60-70 yards. Old eyes are not for this type of weather. One hen comes in, then a gobbler, couldn't get a good look at his beard, old eyes! Then, several more hens come in, the gobbler is strutting showing off, drumming. He's just a little far, I'm thinking. Hens are right on top of me, then all of a sudden the gobbler is right on me, 10 steps or less, I have no idea how he did that, scrawny beard, 5-6" thin, not what I'm looking for today. All of a sudden, he drops strut and goes back the way he came, another is there and they fight, wow, show offs.
Then, the new turkey is strutting, same place as the other was strutting, just out of gun range I'm thinking. FYI, I shoot 2 3/4 #4's, no TSS stuff, I use old guns, more on that later. Back to the story. He's strutting, moving, hens are paying him no attention, they are eating and scratching, still right on me. This gobbler is showing his stuff moving all in front of me, then to my right, then,.........yep, gone.
Hens are still there, can't move. They stayed in that general area from 6:30 or so until 9:15 or so, feeding, quick fights over who knows what, purring, soft yelps, just being turkeys. Can you hold your water that long? Not just your pee, but not move? Yeah, me either, luckily, they would get behind trees or bushes and I could twitch my back and old butt.
8:45, they start moving off, I finally make my first call of the day, three short soft yelps on the Lynch Foolproof, and a couple purrs. Here the hens come back. About 9:15, I don't know how he got there, there's a gobbler with a nice beard strutting almost in gun range, then he's there in range. Now, I've done this countless times, killing turkeys, I know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50+ years of hunting, killing, missing some, doing stupid crap at the wrong time, I know stinking better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1) When a turkey is strutting, "Do not shoot him!" I also know, "When a turkey is facing you, "Do not raise your gun or move it, wait." Yes sirs, I know some of you already have your guns up, could you imagine having your gun up for as long as this went on? Those hens were on me from 6:30 until the 9:15 or so...I learned to let him get behind a tree and raise it slowly. I also know, "Pay attention to the the other turkeys, where are they, will they spot movement." Nope, stinking jitters, shakes, just couldn't stand it any longer I wanted this turkey, he had a beard worth killing, 2 had already been close enough to shoot, one close enough to almost reach out and grab his throat, up came the Model 12, bam...... Now the fun begins, I thought I was being cute, had wrapped the gun in camo sticky cloth, couldn't pump the gun, couldn't reload, what in the crap......... Where's that turkey? 37 steps from Model 12 2 3/4 #4's.
He's flopping, run to him, grab him by the throat and wring his neck, always do this guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wring his neck, just like a chicken, duck, goose, dove, quail, etc. 9 3/4 beard and right at 2" spurs. I've killed much longer beards on 2 year old's, but those spurs, man....... Now to tote all this crap out.
Now, here's the sad part. I took pictures, I stepped off the paces, I sent a text to wife and FIL, only two I tell stuff that know me. I got my stuff and walked out to SXS, about a good fair piece, got everything loaded, then ....... I remembered to thank Him that gave me that show and blessed that hunt. Father, forgive me, you deserve the first thanks, the first blessing before anything else. Forgive me for pride and arrogance of doing everything else before lifting Your name. You gave us dominion over these fine birds, thank You, thank You. I had eyes to witness such a show today. Thank you for ears to hear all the wonderful sounds. The health just to be able to go and experience it all. Thank you for blessing me by bringing me home safe. And, thank you for a successful hunt(s) over the years. You, Father in Heaven, you are the reason for my success. All knowledge and wisdom comes from the Lord, All good things come from the Lord, I lift Your Holy Name, the name above all other Names, Jesus.
I hope it wasn't too long of a read, there was a show going on today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't begin to describe really what I witnessed in eyes and ears today.