Well/Solar Pump Experts?

Dec 6, 2013
I am in the process of replacing a pump that started as an old windmill well converted to a solar pump to feed a stock tank. I figured check in here quick to see if anyone knows about sediment in the well and what issues I could be facing if any at all? Gist of the story is that this pump hasn't been working for quite some time so I pulled it today and noticed that there was a bunch of black muck for lack of a better on a good portion of the output hose while bringing it up. If I replace the pump will this need to be pumped with something or is this muck a non-issue?
My family had our own well and pump company for 20 years. It’s not uncommon at all. I wouldn’t worry about it. If the pump wasn’t stuck in the mud when you started pulling it, I would leave it in the same place. It’s usually minerals in the water, iron or something. When you put the new pump in pump it out on the ground for a few hours and see what it looks like. I will warn you, it’s going to look bad for a little while because you disturbed everything. Don’t worry about it. Pm me if you have any other questions
My family had our own well and pump company for 20 years. It’s not uncommon at all. I wouldn’t worry about it. If the pump wasn’t stuck in the mud when you started pulling it, I would leave it in the same place. It’s usually minerals in the water, iron or something. When you put the new pump in pump it out on the ground for a few hours and see what it looks like. I will warn you, it’s going to look bad for a little while because you disturbed everything. Don’t worry about it. Pm me if you have any other questions

essentially did the same thing about 3 years ago in a remote area. The handpump at our camp had been there as long as I can remember and we replaced w/ solar. Only about 28' down give or take. There was alot of goop (heistate to use the word muck because that to me is entirely different) that came up with the old pump/hardware from being down there all those years. If you have actual mud/clay muck then you might have a different problem but if you're talking about the slime attached to the old system it's pretty normal from what I"ve seen.