Well...My hunt plans got "throat punched"...


Apr 4, 2022
Upstate NY
So myself and a small group of fellers have draw strategies together for several states/species but this year was a no-go for everyone. Meanwhile im spending all of this past fall and winter trying to find someone thats willing to travel and hunt DIY...everyone wants to do it, till its time to actually do it. Which I honestly expected. Then out of the blue, my cousins wife calls me, says she wants to plan a hunt for him as a surprise. Quick background story, they had a baby last August, there were a lot of complications, and his first son was born premature and lived in their arms for a total of 3hrs. Its been hard on them both, but she wanted to do something nice for him, and wanted me to take him on an adventure that would clear his mind and bring him some joy. I was totally enthused, hes my cousin but also my best friend since birth and Ive always wanted to do a hunting trip with him. So for 3 months we planned this whole strategy behind his back...mostly me since she has no idea of draw strategies, statistics etc...since he has no pp's to speak of, I decided our best bet in order to both draw a tag was a 1st rifle elk tag in CO that based on LY could be drawn at 0 points. A few days before the deadline, her and I met up in secret to apply both him and myself for the tag and she drops the "Oh btw, Im 7 weeks pregnant" bomb on me!...I was happy and excited to hear this news especially considering what happened last year, but on that news I pretty much just closed my laptop and said well there goes that draw strategy as the hunt dates are literally days before the due date...So I went back to the drawing board and we decided we had to tell him rather than just surprise him with a tag. I discussed some very limited options with him and I landed on applying for Montana as we would be able to go after the due date. BUT, our combined PP's only put us at 1.5 so its a shot in the dark for a tag and Im certainly not holding my breath. But at least we are in a draw. Theres certainly worse reasons to have to change plans, and im happy for them. Good thing is, now hes committed and if we dont draw this year he will be forced to apply next year with me or eat a $100 pref point! Meanwhile, im going to do my best to try and find a leftover, 2nd draw, or returned tag option for this year. I really dont want to do OTC 3rd rifle CO, mostly because I have no experience out there and that time of year and I just dont feel very warm inside about the what the weather could bring. However, it does work with the due date timeframe. I feel like we could waste a lot of time if the snow comes just trying to find a place to access much less hunt. But maybe im just thinking too much! Good news is I have all summer to debate a 3rd season CO tag!...Sorry for the long post. Cant really tell anyone this story cuz the "news" isnt out yet since its so early in the pregnancy. I only know because of the current situation that it put us in for the hunt! So I figured I would share this story here and give someone a good read! So thanks for reading!
Don’t let the thought of 3rd otc put you in the dumps. Snow and fowl weather is what you want for those high pressure units and hunts. Brings the elk down out of the mountains and gets them on there feet. And if it’s beautiful weather the hunting might be tough but at least the weather is nice. Good luck on what ever you guys decide.
If you guys archery hunt I have a good suggestion for deer. If set on elk hunting I could point you in a direction or two for 3rd season elk in Colorado.
Thanks everyone I appreciate the comments! Neither of us are very confident in our archery skills, however a spot and stalk hunt with a bow seems like a fun idea! My biggest concern with 3rd season otc is navigating snow conditions in a truck. Im used to snow, but ive been on snow covered dirt roads in Nebraska and if the dirt is anything similar it seems like we could really get ourselves into a pickle on roads we arent familiar with...Keep in mind, I am the worlds greatest at getting trucks buried :LOL:(y)
Thanks everyone I appreciate the comments! Neither of us are very confident in our archery skills, however a spot and stalk hunt with a bow seems like a fun idea! My biggest concern with 3rd season otc is navigating snow conditions in a truck. Im used to snow, but ive been on snow covered dirt roads in Nebraska and if the dirt is anything similar it seems like we could really get ourselves into a pickle on roads we arent familiar with...Keep in mind, I am the worlds greatest at getting trucks buried :LOL:(y)
Some of our Nebraska roads can be worse than you encounter in Colorado or Wyoming. I generally don't have any problems getting around in snow in the hills but here I do occasionally when the mud under the snow isn't frozen,
Thanks everyone I appreciate the comments! Neither of us are very confident in our archery skills, however a spot and stalk hunt with a bow seems like a fun idea! My biggest concern with 3rd season otc is navigating snow conditions in a truck. Im used to snow, but ive been on snow covered dirt roads in Nebraska and if the dirt is anything similar it seems like we could really get ourselves into a pickle on roads we arent familiar with...Keep in mind, I am the worlds greatest at getting trucks buried :LOL:(y)
Get yourself a good set of tire chains and treat them like crampons for hiking in the mountains, use them to get you out of a situation NOT into one. A lot of times during 3rd you don’t have to drive way up into the mountains anyway because the elk are migrating down. Just food for thought
Some of our Nebraska roads can be worse than you encounter in Colorado or Wyoming. I generally don't have any problems getting around in snow in the hills but here I do occasionally when the mud under the snow isn't frozen,
Well that certainly boosts my confidence level for sure! We certainly dont have the amount of unpaved roads here in the Northeast as you fellers have in the midwest. Regardless of where we go, ill be sure to have a good set of chains!
Get yourself a good set of tire chains and treat them like crampons for hiking in the mountains, use them to get you out of a situation NOT into one. A lot of times during 3rd you don’t have to drive way up into the mountains anyway because the elk are migrating down. Just food for thought
Thanks Hondo thats good to know!
Well, heres an update on the hunt plan for this fall. We ended up drawing Montana general deer and both pleased with that outcome! Planning to be there for a week of hunting and then back in time for Thanksgiving dinner with the families. If nothing else, we will have some great stories to share when we return!
Get yourself a good set of tire chains and treat them like crampons for hiking in the mountains, use them to get you out of a situation NOT into one. A lot of times during 3rd you don’t have to drive way up into the mountains anyway because the elk are migrating down. Just food for thought
This is the way!
Tell him he needs to pull out November thru February.
Beat me to it. : )

The big danger months around here are February and March. You need to be focused in October and November.

I can tell the lack of turkey hunters on this board, too, because no one advised abstinence in July and August ... LOL
Update on our hunt...won't be posting locations or units, so pls dont ask...it was a great time to say the least. Found deer every day, bucks seemed to be rutting hard. Lots of cool country. Saw some smaller bucks, and found some bigger. Had a 4x4 with eye guards at 300yds our 2nd day. Just couldn't get a clean shot. Sharp downhill slope and he was coming head on surrounded by does. We lost legal shooting light and had to slip out of country while we had the cover and wind to our advantage. He was outside his ears and tall. We spent the entire next day trying to relocate him and his does...no luck!...I don't have a lot of experience on mule deer but from my understanding bucks like that aren't as common on public in MT and we saw 2 of them that size during our 1st 2 days of hunting...the rut certainly seemed to give the hunter a slight advantage. Both of us ended up shooting 3pt bucks that honestly exceeded my size expectations (based on what I had been told and read). Overall it was a great time, new experience, and an adventure we both have wanted to share with each other since childhood. I plan on going back, but now that I've seen the "potential" that's there, I think I'm going to be a little fussier on size and age class...maybe we just got lucky and saw 2 really nice bucks...but based on what we saw throughout the trip I think a discriminating hunter could take a mature buck from here.


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