Hey guys, for the record so the email questions can stop and anyone worried about their options can move on with their own decisions:
Troy flies and flies well (firsthand experience). He locates pockets with big moose and finds ways to get to them...That's his ONLY value proposition to you. Don't forget that point. If that's what you're after, you'll probably do better than 50% success and achieve most of your hunting goals.
However, personal success at others expense will **** up your game plan when karma cashes in her debt. This year he had problems finding qualified and willing pilots to work with him (I know of three that declined), and that problem is self inflicted and puts his clients at risk (who wants a last-option pilot?). Respectable and qualified pilots don't need to work with Troy Sessions because they haven't heard of the guy and he hasn't earned an honest reputation yet. No one in this industry takes him seriously (FB followers exempt). And his copying my brands only set him back into the rut he was in before Hunt Planning.
Troy doesn't do the flying for his clients because he doesn't yet have a Part 135 certificate, but he does choose the spots with dubious scouting. His reputation is being built with each passing season. This season I learned how much he admired my business model after he copied the moving parts to begin his new chapter of Hunt Planning, rafts and game bags. With me, he's under the mud in the rut. Zero remaining support. But that's my problem and certainly not yours.
I can only support a small number of clients every season and my limits are largely self restricted, and the demand is high enough for Troy and others to succeed in hunt planning...but areas and pilots are harder to come by legitimately.
The best advice I have when asked is for you and your partners to discuss and agree upon your goals and expectations. With those solidly aligned, choose the best fitting service provider and minimize your personal risks. Document your experience and act lawfully and respectfully during your adventure travels. If I or any other business owner steps one foot outside our terms of agreement, then you'll be standing on both feet with a fist full of our short and curleys.
Good luck fellas. Much respect to anyone who disagrees with me about Troy Sessions and I truly hope your Alaska goals are completely fulfilled. Although all opinions are metaphorically equal to bungholes, I will always punch you straight in the mouth with honesty and integrity. Time will tell about Sessions, but so far he's just demonstrated bottom feeder traits I find offensive and costly to others. When a pilot asks me what I think of Sessions, I'll tell them firmly to walk away. I told them all the same thing about Kent Keiser, and this year karma exacted a terribly high price:
An aircraft mechanic who witnessed the aftermath of the crash described the efforts of several people who pulled one man out of the fiery wreckage.
Demand to know Session's chosen pilot's experience and reputation BEFORE you come to AK. If he can't produce that pilot's name (the most solid and most critical part of your bush logistics)...walk away. I'm still alive today, as are all of my thousand or so clients, because we don't fly with 4th or 5th option pilots.