Welcome Novagrade and Win a Novagrade Adapter System

Finally a solution for those of us that have to run a protective case and don't want to take it off to digisope. Thanks Novagrade!
Nikon ed50 and Samsung note 5 with case.

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I follow Rokslide often and learn...don't say much, but this is cool.
Meopta S1 75mm and iPhone 5
Alright! lets find some big bulls and bucks for shed season!

Iphone 6 and Vortex Razor HD 16-48 x 65
Thanks for the opportunity. I'd use it with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (unless it dies and I upgrade). Maven b.2 binos, and I'd like to learn more about using it with my Sony A6000. No spotting scope here yet but I can always borrow my Dad's Vortex Viper HD when needed.
Just upgraded my phone and it no longer fits my adaptor (old S4 adaptor). I might be in the market for one these (if I don't win :D).

Moto Z Force and older Nikon Fieldscope
Sweet opportunity...and right on time after I just got my new phone! So generous of you guys :D

Welcome aboard!

Iphone 7/Olympus TG-3 and Swarovski ATX 65