Water Bladder hose taste

Baking soda and hot water. Rinse and clean good then freeze when not in use. That's what I do anyway.
I'm partners with Geigerrig and their water bladders have no bad taste. Best bladder system I ever used for the back country. Their inline filter rocks.


I just bought a Geigerrig, and while I love the concept, the water coming out of it tastes like rubber... I think it is coming from the valve, but I could not finish my first bladderful with it. Nasty, acrid, haunting. It is full of lemon juice and water now, and in the freezer, but man, that bite valve tastes like chewing on a tire Will have to thaw and drain for my hunt this weekend, so I will let you know.

I had the bad taste in my big zip for a little while. I rinsed it well and dried it several times and it went away. I don't let water sit in it when I'm not using it so it doesn't absorb the bad taste. I have to say that the first mouthful of water I ever tried to drink was truly awful !
I have a platypus as well. I rinsed it out a few times when I got it and it tasted fine. I notice the water has a taste to it if it sits in the hose for a bit but its only the hose. Once I suck and spit out that couple ounces its fine.
BLEACH, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, LEMON JUICE, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse.....
The baking soda and water rinse trick seems to work well for me along with draining the first little part sitting in the hose/bite valve. I would think that white vinegar might be a better choice than lemon juice though?...both mildly acidic but lemon juice is sometimes hard to rinse fully out of plastic and then you are left with organic debris in the hose line which can get a little nasty.
I was nice enough to let my girlfriend use my platypus for the first time. She commented on it tasting like shit... :D

after a few liters of water through it now, it tastes fine.