I know most people view Washington as a lost cause, as a resident it's very discouraging. We really need to make our voices heard to take action on the stupidity happening in the commission. You can read more about it and take action at these HOWL links:
Reject Lame Duck Appointments in Washington's Wildlife Commission
Urge your legislators to reject the confirmations of the last-minute Fish and Wildlife Commission appointments under SGA9200 and SGA9199. These appointments were done at the last minute by outgoing Governor Inslee. By doing so, you will help uphold the transparent, science-based process...
Hold WFW Commission Accountable, Don't Politicize Wildlife!
Washington State faces a pivotal moment in how it will manage its fish and wildlife. The Ruckelshaus Review has laid out three possible paths forward for our current Fish and Wildlife Commission. Among these, Option 3—reforming the Commission with meaningful accountability measures—offers the...