WANTED: Your Top 5 Base Camp Tips or Hacks

Premake all the food and skip raw stuff (my preference). Everything k take is heat/eat for a base camp. This is somewhere precooked bacon shines. I will occasionally make an exception for eggs.

This might be blaspheme… but if you’re bringing a generator you could being a microwave too and save even more dishes/cooking time. I want to hunt and sleep.
Not camp and cook and clean usually. (I have never brought a microwave to a tent camp, but I rented a trailer once that had a microwave and it was an incredible convenience)

I’d lean towards disposable plates/silverware. That size group send someone to town halfway through to take trash out and buy the things that were forgotten.

Weber cubes and royal oak tumbleweeds (for starting charcoal bbq) are a great way to start a fire too. M
Cordless drill or driver with an assortment of screws and extra bits.
A broom to sweep the tent out and brush the snow off the outhouse.
I pack all my clothes in rubbermaid totes. Keeps the dust, water, and mice out.
If youre hanging meat in camp, game bags to keep the flies dust out.
Pay attention to the weather weeks and days before you leave home. Its not uncommon to have fire bans during the second season so be prepared with propane heaters.
Two chainsaws in case one wont start.
Tire chains, make sure they fit before you leave home.
For lights in the tent we use LED lights out of a camper or modified LED lamps and a decent car battery. We can run a whole season without charging the battery, it might not he as bright on day 10 as day 1 but way better than gas lanterns or a generator.
Aluminum grain scoop, works well for shoveling lots of snow. This should stay in your truck as well, I keep a regular spade in my truck too.
Door mat for wiping feet before walking into tent. Small throw rug to place next to cot to stand on while undressing/dressing, etc. Helps to keep shit off your socks and feet. I also keep a small folding camp stool I use as a tabletop next to my cot for placing book, reading glasses, water, etc.