Ty yall for the pics.....it really helps to see the layouts, what works, and what wont. Looks like 3 would fit fine in a 12x14 easily, but is a palace for two...LOL. Yall even have room for a dining table in there where the chairs are. The added room of the 14x16 would leave even more room for gear and food area for 3-4 guys and gear.
Also, to stay in line with the original posters questions, I was looking at stoves last night. Any recommendations? I thought the Four dog Stove company had some nice set ups. Primarily the 4 dog stove with the side shelf and 4 gallon water tank. It looks like it collapse down and everything stored inside the stove box.
Four Dog DX Steel Tent Stove--A great camp stove for cooking and heating in camp
To keep this going, if you run a wall tent, post your pics so we can check out the set ups/layouts, they are very helpful.