WA Kifaru Rendezvous July 19-21st

Feb 28, 2012
Bellingham, WA
If you have not already marked your calendars and made travel arrangements for July 19 – 21st, do so now!!!

This fun backcountry rendezvous is a great way to put faces with names, catch up with old friends, make new friends, personally review some of the finest gear and ideas available from a wide variety of manufacturers in outdoor conditions, and talk with knowledgable people that have actually "been there and done that".

It’s a perfect opportunity to pick Patrick's and others' brains and obtain some ideas from others that might ultimately help make your backcountry hunting, fishing and rambling trips more productive and more enjoyable.

This is a family friendly, car-camp, chainsaw fed white-man fire type outing. All are welcome and encouraged to join this casual gathering regardless of skill or experience level, or whether or not you own/use Kifaru gear. There is cell phone coverage (I can confirm Verizon) for those that want to come early and work virtually in the field. Vistas are great and there are ample opportunities to get away from camp on some decent hikes or trail runs. Depending upon where we ultimately decide to go (nature will dictate a goodly portion of that decision), there may or may not be toilet facilities or running water. We'll keep you posted as the date draws nearer.

Shooting is not necessarily the main focus, but there will no doubt be a fair amount of plinking a comfortable/safe distance awayfrom the main camp. It’s my understanding that Patrick is bringing the latest Rambling Rifle and a couple/three barrels in addition to some newer product offerings. There will be opportunities to shoot pistols (and/or rifles) at closer ranges on paper and reactive steel target as well as the opportunity to reeeeally stretch out the legs on your hunting rifles and heavy artillery canyon crossers in real world conditions. I will be bringing some steel plates and a shooting tree for pistols, laser range finder, chronograph, extensive cleaning kit, etc.

Gluttonous potluck offerings are the norm and anything you want to bring and share is welcome and appreciated.

In short, it's a truly outstanding way to enjoy a relaxing summertime weekend in the backcountry with some of the best people on Earth.

If you plan on attending, please register with [email protected], providing me with the following information: your name, your phone number and how many folks will be attending with you. I will be e-mailing you instructions on how to get to the Rendezvous location and general information about what to bring several days prior to the event. To summarize, you should plan on being self-sufficient: food, water filtration, in-the-field toiletries, shelter, bedding, clothing, etc.

If you have any questions in the meantime, I'm certain that my fellow Kifaru Rondy Veterans will be happy to chime in and help address them.

Note: Only those that have registered to attend reasonably well in advance will be sent the exact location and directions to the Rondy.
Last edited by Bushcraft; 06-06-2013 at 02:01 PM.

Go here to register with Bushcraft http://www.kifaruforums.net/showthread.php?t=33275
man those dates suck!!!!!!

already have a Rokslide hike trip on the calendar that weekend.

wish i could have made it maybe next time
I think Kifaru or Rokslide needs a group hike up in AK...maybe do the Chilkoot Trail or something so I can go along one of these sometime. :D