VOTE: Maven's Next Scope

What scopes (choose 2 max) should Maven bring to market next?

  • RSS6.X - Fixed Six, SHR-Mil, exp. elevation, side focus, $500, < 17 oz.

  • RSS3.9 - 3-9x40ish, FFP, SHR-Mil, exp. elev., fixed parallax, $700, < 20 oz.

  • RS2.2 - 2-10x40ish, SFP, SHR-Mil, optional capped or exp. elev., side focus, $800, < 21 oz.

  • RS2.2 - 2.5-10x40ish, FFP, SHR-Mil Illum., exp. elev., side focus, $1000, < 23 oz.

  • RS6.1 - 1-6x24ish, SFP, SHR Mil Illum., capped elev., fixed parallax, $800, < 19 oz.

  • RS8.1 - 1-8x28ish, FFP, 34mm tube, SHR Mil Illum., opt. cap or exp. elev., fix prlx, $1500, < 24 oz.

  • RS2.2DA - 2.5-10x40, FFP, SHR-Mil, capped elev., fixed parallax, $750, < 15 oz.

  • RS3.4c - 3-12x44, capped elev. w/ ZS, FFP, THLR, $1400, < 21 oz.

  • RS3.9THLR - 3-9x40, FFP, THLR, exp. elev., fixed prlx, $800, < 20 oz.

Results are only viewable after voting.
We've done this. They ignore us.

Then bring out another obnoxious model.

Haha copy that. I guess consider me the next sucker in line to beat his head against the wall to give it a try.
I'm persistent on this topic, willing to see where it goes anyways.
Just wish I could drop a few of the initial options off of the poll now that I'm seeing the direction most comments are heading. Maybe should have restricted the vote to one option also, but didn't want to hem things in too much.

If the result of this is a general consensus on 2 or 3 configurations, figured I'd drop a link to this poll in their "contact us" message on their website until it sinks in on their end.

The way the RS1.2 came to be, and supposing they are seeing the benefits in terms of sales, maybe they'd have an appetite to do it again?
I would be pretty stoked to have a fixed 6 with a reticle like the THLR or Leupold/gunworks RH1. Enough hold over for a quick point and shoot, windage holds, capped windage turrets and a locking top turret.
I love that idea as well, matches my preferences for quite a few guns too. I wonder if a scope with those features can be made that light and pass the field eval.?
I'll see if I can add to the poll!

I don’t even care if it has turrets. I’d happily zero with a screwdriver then lock the adjustment with epoxy for life if it would stay there and be light. I’d take SFP to shave a couple more oz

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  • RSS6.X - Fixed Six, SHR-Mil, exp. elevation, side focus, $500, < 17 oz.​

  • RSS3.9 - 3-9x40ish, FFP, SHR-Mil, exp. elev., fixed parallax, $700, < 20 oz.

    Those two, along with the RS1.2 2.5-15, would cover most everything for me. I'd probably prefer the fixed 6 have fixed parallax unless I was using it on a rimfire. If illumination was going to be part of the deal, make only the center dot illuminated...nothing else.

  • RSS6.X - Fixed Six, SHR-Mil, exp. elevation, side focus, $500, < 17 oz.​

  • RSS3.9 - 3-9x40ish, FFP, SHR-Mil, exp. elev., fixed parallax, $700, < 20 oz.​

    Those two, along with the RS1.2 2.5-15, would cover most everything for me. I'd probably prefer the fixed 6 have fixed parallax unless I was using it on a rimfire. If illumination was going to be part of the deal, make only the center dot illuminated...nothing else.

Agree with you here for sure, fixed six with short range parallax adjustment is very nice on a precise rimfire, definitely a more versatile scope than some give it credit for.
I’m thinking I let this sit until the end of the month, then start sending it to Maven… will be interesting to see how many voters we get and if the votes show a solid consensus by then, even though the options don't check every box for everybody.

At a minimum this exercise has given me a sense of how tricky it might be to try to meet various market demands, as a scope brand that can’t crank out the #of SKU’s big L does for example. (…and assuming that reasonable effort is put into that anyway)
All I want is FFP and the THLR reticle.

I must have been sleeping on the job, didn’t see your thumbs up there @Dobermann . Added the THLR 3-9 option to the poll. @Wyo_hntr , @4cMuley also saw your thumbs up there if that’s your pick can change it up.

In spirit of that being added, maybe get a bunch of votes to switch? Im biased but I think the world is ready and hungry for a THLR or real similar in more than just the high dollar top end scopes.
All I want is FFP and the THLR reticle.

Didn’t they specifically say they weren’t going to use someone else’s reticle? I seem to recall that being said on the THLR thread

I think the reticle they are using in their 1.2 is their submission for usable ffp reticle, and I’m not mad at it. So far it seems like it does what it’s supposed to.
Didn’t they specifically say they weren’t going to use someone else’s reticle? I seem to recall that being said on the THLR thread

I think the reticle they are using in their 1.2 is their submission for usable ffp reticle, and I’m not mad at it. So far it seems like it does what it’s supposed to.
Yep, the SHR-MIL does seem to give a tip of the hat to the THLR on a couple of features ... probably why a few of us are impressed by it, and probably why it will organically find favour with others.
Yep, the SHR-MIL does seem to give a tip of the hat to the THLR on a couple of features ... probably why a few of us are impressed by it, and probably why it will organically find favour with others.
I don’t think it’s anything like the THLR.

As far as scopes, my requests are more adjustments to the RS1.2:
  • Minor updates to mil reticle:
    • Outter stadia thicker
    • Drop the hashes that are above 5 mil (and bring that 5mil elevation hash to normal size)
  • Drop the weight 4-6oz
    • I’m okay if this happens by changing erector ratio and/or dropping illumination
Last call for changing your vote! Going to close the poll soon. Some new options may have popped up since your original vote.

I'll let this marinade for a few days, just want to see if any real solid conclusions come out of the poll considering the options that were added as a result of our discussion in the thread.
Sent link to this poll to Maven. After stepping away from it and looking again, it's obvious the LPVO options could go away.
Imagine we're trying to whittle the list down and think like Maven might... just throwing this out there for discussion/thought. A revamp of the RS2 that's FFP (RS2.2DA is best example) in their current line up would probably fill the biggest hole in the market, as well as the fixed six idea.

For those that voted for any of the 3-9, 2.5-10, 2-10 options... knowing that the RS1.2 exists and has been restocked frequently as it sells... if the RS2.2DA were made and passed the field evaluation, would you buy one (or more)?

Seems to me like the best compromise of features/weight/$$$ to top off anybody's mountain rifle and any other simple light streamlined hunting setup intended for inside 5-600 yds... wouldn't be too shabby on a precision AR build either. What say you?
Copy the 3-15 LHT but make it durable.
Copy the 2-10 NSX but put a decent reticle in it and cap the windage.
Copy the 3-15 LHT but make it durable.
Copy the 2-10 NSX but put a decent reticle in it and cap the windage.
Seems like they have a solid scope already that passes the various tests with the RS1.2.

I could see the value in an RS2.2 that was 3-9 or 2.5-10. I could see buying one if it came with a mil reticle.
Sent link to this poll to Maven. After stepping away from it and looking again, it's obvious the LPVO options could go away.
Imagine we're trying to whittle the list down and think like Maven might... just throwing this out there for discussion/thought. A revamp of the RS2 that's FFP (RS2.2DA is best example) in their current line up would probably fill the biggest hole in the market, as well as the fixed six idea.

For those that voted for any of the 3-9, 2.5-10, 2-10 options... knowing that the RS1.2 exists and has been restocked frequently as it sells... if the RS2.2DA were made and passed the field evaluation, would you buy one (or more)?

Seems to me like the best compromise of features/weight/$$$ to top off anybody's mountain rifle and any other simple light streamlined hunting setup intended for inside 5-600 yds... wouldn't be too shabby on a precision AR build either. What say you?
I would buy one and likely more. I would prefer to not have illumination to save weight.
How about a bomb proof reliable 14 oz point and shoot 2.5-10 with capped turrets and a decent reticle in FFP.

That's something that doesn't really exist yet. I think there's a good market for that scope

I'd take one of these and a 3-15 or 3-12 x 44. I'd want capped windage, fat elevation turret in mils and a reticle similar to the swfa mil quad. Those silly tree reticles are for the Lorax.
I'd take one of these and a 3-15 or 3-12 x 44. I'd want capped windage, fat elevation turret in mils and a reticle similar to the swfa mil quad. Those silly tree reticles are for the Lorax.

a 3-12 x 44 like the discontinued LRHS with a better reticle would be great I think