Vortex Razor HD LHT 4.5-22x50mm Q&A

How is any scope out there this bad? I’d expect more out of a Walmart Tasco. Don’t the manufacturers have some sort of shock test standards? Seems this scope would fail even the most basic.

Form, I’d love to see a Trijicon go through one of your tests. That’s a company that claims testing to 810 standards. Would be interesting to see how it holds up to your program.
Vortex is like the Tasco of yesteryear. They have others design/build whatever they think will sell.

Nobody should be surprised a vortex puked right out of the gate.
i just sprung for one of these (4.5-22) and am pretty disappointed to hear about the poor drop test results!

i've been super happy with their razor hd2 1-6 i use a lot in 2 & 3 gun and their 3-18 and 4.5-27 i use from time to time in prs and related matches.
Vortex is like the Tasco of yesteryear. They have others design/build whatever they think will sell.

Nobody should be surprised a vortex puked right out of the gate.
This is not an entry level scope. It’s their high end and a $1000+ scope. In no way should this particular line be compared to the Tasco of yesteryear.
This is not an entry level scope. It’s their high end and a $1000+ scope. In no way should this particular line be compared to the Tasco of yesteryear.
To add to this- isn't the bomb proof swfa a Tasco scope design?

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Form, have you got you hands on a March scope yet?

I have shot with a few March scopes, but have not done this eval of them. My guess having seen this a lot, I do not think they would fare well.

Don’t the manufacturers have some sort of shock test standards? Seems this scope would fail even the most basic.

They all do. But this is what no one seems to grasp- you can shake scope, you can vibrate a scope, you can tie it to a truck and drag it down the road and none of those things tell you if the reticle remained static and pointed at the target.

Form, I’d love to see a Trijicon go through one of your tests. That’s a company that claims testing to 810 standards. Would be interesting to see how it holds up to your program.

The Trijicon 1-8x Accupowers pass without issue- have “tested” more than a dozen. About 20% had the reticle rotate before 4,000 rounds- most with heavy use but still held zero, still worked.
Not the full eval, but other Accupowers and Accupoints have been relatively reliable and haven’t given many issues. They are about what most people thinks scopes are.
To add to this- isn't the bomb proof swfa a Tasco scope design?

Yes, however a design made specifically to win a US Military sniper scope trial- which it did; and was a trial for a 50 caliber sniper rifle, with the entity doing the testing caring about zero retention.
I have shot with a few March scopes, but have not done this eval of them. My guess having seen this a lot, I do not think they would fare well.

They all do. But this is what no one seems to grasp- you can shake scope, you can vibrate a scope, you can tie it to a truck and drag it down the road and none of those things tell you if the reticle remained static and pointed at the target.

The Trijicon 1-8x Accupowers pass without issue- have “tested” more than a dozen. About 20% had the reticle rotate before 4,000 rounds- most with heavy use but still held zero, still worked.
Not the full eval, but other Accupowers and Accupoints have been relatively reliable and haven’t given many issues. They are about what most people thinks scopes are.
Would love to see the Credo line tested as they are gaining in popularity. The one that I fondled seemed impressive at first glance.
Yes, however a design made specifically to win a US Military sniper scope trial- which it did; and was a trial for a 50 caliber sniper rifle, with the entity doing the testing caring about zero retention.
Sure wish we could get SWFA to make a hunting line with the same standards. More SFP and simple reticle options. Heck, even their website makes no bones about it. There’s some special forces sniper looking dude plastered all over and virtually every scope has “tactical” in the name. Where’s the stuff for the dude in hunter orange and an elk across the canyon?
Sure wish we could get SWFA to make a hunting line with the same standards. More SFP and simple reticle options. Heck, even their website makes no bones about it. There’s some special forces sniper looking dude plastered all over and virtually every scope has “tactical” in the name. Where’s the stuff for the dude in hunter orange and an elk across the canyon?

Agree. But consumers apparently think they are all tacticool and need to be “prepared“ to shoot those elk at 800+yds. Then reality strikes…. How many large game are shot at when 3 or more Mils of windage correction is required? <1%?
I just want a rock solid system to 500yds with some emphasis on the more likely very fast 75yd shot in timber at low light.
Would love to see the Credo line tested as they are gaining in popularity. The one that I fondled seemed impressive at first glance.

The Credo 1-8x is the old Accupower. They all are. There may be some changes somewhere, but I would think they are extremely similar if not exactly the same.
Sure wish we could get SWFA to make a hunting line with the same standards. More SFP and simple reticle options.

Hunters wouldn’t buy them. Americans love cheap junk. Things can break and fail constantly and as long as they got a deal on it, and/or a great warranty they’re fine with it.

Where’s the stuff for the dude in hunter orange and an elk across the canyon?

Schmidt and Bender Klassic.

However, why is a better aiming device not ok for hunters? Being a dude in hunter orange across a canyon doesn’t make one a fudd, but believing that their is a certain scope that isn’t for hunters because of how it looks certainly does. I too would prefer lower profile turrets, and a slightly adjusted reticle, but the SWFA 6x and 3-9x are just as usable inside 100 yards as they are outside. You may not like FFP and mil reticles because you won’t put in the time to learn it, but a properly designed FFP scope, with a good mil reticle is the best general purpose aiming system past point blank range.

However, why is a better aiming device not ok for hunters? Being a dude in hunter orange across a canyon doesn’t make one a fudd, but believing that their is a certain scope that isn’t for hunters because of how it looks certainly does. I too would prefer lower profile turrets, and a slightly adjusted reticle, but the SWFA 6x and 3-9x are just as usable inside 100 yards as they are outside. You may not like FFP and mil reticles because you won’t put in the time to learn it, but a properly designed FFP scope, with a good mil reticle is the best general purpose aiming system past point blank range.

Not many scopes match the 3-9 SWFA. What other scopes are 9x to 12x max, 20oz(ish) max, durable, reliable, FFP and capable at longer ranges, and also excel at short fast low-light shots? Takes a good reticle design to meet those criteria. I find most are optimized for long range. The 1-6x SWFA works pretty good at 1-2x and then at 6x. Awkward in between.
Hunters wouldn’t buy them. Americans love cheap junk. Things can break and fail constantly and as long as they got a deal on it, and/or a great warranty they’re fine with it.

Schmidt and Bender Klassic.

However, why is a better aiming device not ok for hunters? Being a dude in hunter orange across a canyon doesn’t make one a fudd, but believing that their is a certain scope that isn’t for hunters because of how it looks certainly does. I too would prefer lower profile turrets, and a slightly adjusted reticle, but the SWFA 6x and 3-9x are just as usable inside 100 yards as they are outside. You may not like FFP and mil reticles because you won’t put in the time to learn it, but a properly designed FFP scope, with a good mil reticle is the best general purpose aiming system past point blank range.
Perhaps for you, not for me. And yes, maybe you are right also, maybe I don’t want to put in the time, because I don’t want to put in the time. I don’t want to learn something new. I want stuff that works the way I want it to work without having to wrack my brain over it. Hunting is a release for me, I don’t want make it more complicated. And frankly, I want stuff to look the way I want to look. If I’m totally honest, this trend of bleed over of tactical stuff into the hunting market bothers me. Too many Instagram Bros talking about hunting like they are popping off the Taliban from a distant cave. Right or wrong, I just don’t like it. Hunting should have a certain element of nostalgia and classical tradition to me, the tactical element tarnishes that image in my mind. Hunting isn’t war. I’d like the two to remain fully separated.
Where’s the stuff for the dude in hunter orange and an elk across the canyon?
I'd add the S&B Zenith (1.5-6x42) to the list as well, although rather pricey.

The NF SHV 3.5-10 with the Forceplex for under a grand ticks that box too for guys that want a simple plex reticle. A little heavier than most desire though.

You pays your $$ and take your chances gentlemen. Best to "hedge your bet" as best you can.