Vortex Rangefinder

The Leupold Bow mode uses cosine only, nothing to setup. Rifle has a choice of ballistic curves to choose from (a negative in my opinion). The previous 1000 version used a ballistics solution for bow mode but Leupy saw their mistake and corrected it.

The TBR function on the Leica 1600B only works over 100 yards making it worthless for archery.
Wow! Can't believe the issues here! We have 3 of them & range very consistent with all of them. We range deer, elk & trees to 800yds regularly. It ranges close stuff as well with no issues. If you feel you have one that isn't up to par contact Vortex they will take care of it immediately! I've sold many of them & so far I have not received one complaint, many on here have picked them up from us! Again, any issues contact Vortex they will make it right!


I compared the display model of the vortex to the display models of 2 Leupolds and 2 nikons and the vortex was consistently off by quite a bit. I asked if I could open a different box of the Vortex to see of the display model was faulty and they agreed. That one was the same as the display model, off by 3 yards at 55 yards and again at 60 yards. I cannot deal with a consistent 20% variance. The other 4 rangefinders were all the same.

I wanted the Vortex to be "the one" as I love the company and own quite a bit of their stuff but it obviously needs work.
I've only seen reports that they had been fixed, I have no personal knowlege of it. The only way I would buy one over the internet is from Elknut and I would have him open the box and check it.

They "should" be a good RF.
I know this post is a little old but I just replaced my Leupold with the Ranger and it seems to be working great! I actually had both units for about a week and compared them over a few weekends. The greatest variance I got was 2 yards at a shed, the Ranged showed 889 and the Leupold 887. I really like the simplicity of the Ranger and not having to worry about which mode I'm in.
No problems with mine had it since August. I looked at the leupold too but liked the vortex warranty better so far very happy with mine consistent ranging. Greg in MT
Old post, but thought I would share.

Got some BPS gift cards and needed a new one. I was torn between the rx-1000i (tbr/dna) or the Vortex.
Vortex was just as everyone has stated and this was in the store. I would range the same thing over and over and get a variance of 3 yards. I then attempted to range a black stuffed boar 10 times. I got 3 no reads, 4 at 30/31 and 3 at 27! I could not believe it.......I really wanted the Vortex due to the warranty....I hope they figure out the kinks withe their 2013 models.

The Leupy felt great and functioned awesome. I do like how they allow for up to 120 yards for bow mode compared to others only going to 100. I did not however care for the button. Sounds weird, but I like to feel the "click" or at least feel the button move. I would end up pushing it really hard as I did not feel the "click" to let me know the button had been pressed. I would have purchased it despite the hard button, but with only a 2 year warranty I am going to wait for Vortex and hope they figure things out.

Does anyone know if Vortex re-did the Ranger or are they just producing more? I pulled up the catalog and it does not state that they have made any changes?
I will call Vortex tomorrow morning & talk to my good friend Tim, I will find out if that's been an issue that they're aware of? As I mentioned above we have 3 of them & zero issues! I did receive one back months ago that would not target over 350yds, I sent it in, Vortex responded right back telling me the laser was misaligned within the unit, it was taken care of immediately & no issues with it after that. I do know things can happen no matter the brand & hopefully I'll receive a satisfactory response from Vortex. Whatever it is I'll share my findings! Thanks!

I will call Vortex tomorrow morning & talk to my good friend Tim, I will find out if that's been an issue that they're aware of? As I mentioned above we have 3 of them & zero issues! I did receive one back months ago that would not target over 350yds, I sent it in, Vortex responded right back telling me the laser was misaligned within the unit, it was taken care of immediately & no issues with it after that. I do know things can happen no matter the brand & hopefully I'll receive a satisfactory response from Vortex. Whatever it is I'll share my findings! Thanks!


Thanks. If there are any changes please let us know. Maybe the batches are more 50/50 and you just got to keep working until you get a good one.

I soo bad want it to work out, but when I was standing at BPS and it gave me those crazy readings at a 200lb black stuffed boar that what was really 30.2 (per Leupy) yards I was not pleased.
I talked with Vortex this morning for 45min. (about lots of stuff-grin) The Rangefinder 1000 has little issues at all! They get very few back for corrections out of all they've sold, that's from them & dealers alike! I asked about the 1-3 yd difference in some units & was told that the laser is adjustable & if any have this happening it takes little time to remedy it so send it in & they will take care of it immediately! I asked them what an aprox percentage is in the 1-3 yd discrepancy that were returned for adjustments, less than 5% out of tons of them sold! All are able to be adjusted, none are flat broken! As you can see if a laser is out a fraction as some have mentioned it's nothing that cannot be taken care of. Too, the 1-3 yd discrepancy does not magnify as distance gets greater, it's 1-3 yds period. Don't know about most hunters but 1-3 yds in my bowhunting skills is not going to make 1" of difference for this hunter! (grin)

Point being, Vortex will fix them & they have a Lifetime Warranty & they do it very fast!! With this in mind you can bet their Optics are very high quality, this has been my personal experience with the company for 6 years as a Dealer now!

If any have an issue call 1-800-426-0048 & get the service dept. They are more than happy to help you out!

I found a new rangefinder at a price I could not pass up. I figured at worse I could just keep sending it back until I got something that worked.

Out of the box it has been working great. No bad readings, incorrect readings or huge variances ranging the same object. The only down side is the speed at which it takes to return the distance. Much slower than others on the market, but in reality it is only a second or two.
Does this rangefinder have the VIP warranty that Vortex offers on their binos. I'm in the market for a new rangfinder, and that would definitely be a deciding factor for me.